AliExpress – تسوق أكثر ذكاءً, Better Living APK تحميل v5.8.0 أحدث إصدار

Download AliExpress – تسوق أكثر ذكاءً, Better Living APK Download Latest version for free here for your android phone or tablet

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انضم 80,000,000 people who are already playing this top-rated FREE puzzle adventure! Enter the world of Minutia and collect cute characters, level them up and defeat the Slugs! مع أكثر من 2,000 المستويات, enjoy hours and hours of fiendish fun!


The little creatures of Minutia lived in peace and harmony until the meteor smashed into Mount Boom, bringing with it a strange force that transformed the Slugs who lived there into an army of greedy, greenery-gobbling pests.

حاليا, the Slugs are taking over the world, munching a path through Minutia and sliming up everything they touch!

But a brave band of heroes is fighting back! Left alone when the Slugs conquered most of Minutia, these unlikely champions are on an epic quest to solve the mystery of Mount Boom and beat back the Slug advance.

To get to Mount Boom, they’ll need to become the BEST FIENDS!


* FIENDISH PUZZLES Casual puzzle gameplay that is easy to play, hard to master.
* يجمع & LEVEL UP Build a team of Best Fiends and discover their special powers!
* THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Line matching puzzle game with RPG character development!
* DAILY EVENTS Play and win something new every time you open the game!
* IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE Dazzling graphics and finger-tapping music!
* WATCH ANIMATIONS Discover awesome Best Fiends videos!
* STAY TUNED More levels, الشخصيات, gameplay and some surprises coming soon!

يرجى الملاحظة! Best Fiends is completely free to download and play but some game items may be purchased for real money. To disable this, turn off the in-app purchases in your device’s settings.

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ما هو الجديد

Help Spielbert achieve his lifelong dream of becoming a proper film director!
Collect Boxes of Popcorn to get blockbuster rewards including free GOLD!NEW ANIMATED SHORT!
Watch our new amazing animated short“Fort of Hard Knocks!”SECRET MISSIONJUST FOR YOU!
Complete a covert set of tasks and win amazing rewards including free GOLD!ENTER THE VOLATILE VALLEY!
Play through 15 new levels every weekend!

آراء / رأي المستخدم:

  • Endless hours and many different tasks to complete. When I’m frustrated and stuck on a level I can take a break by playing a different puzzle. Only thing that could be added is more energy. When I don’t win endless hours of eternal life, there isn’t enough energy to play as the price to play goes
  • Fun game but a commercial or post to social media every which way you turn. I’m rapidly approaching the point where I won’t want to play anymore because unless you buy their diamonds or whatever else units you need to move forward it will take way too long to will take way too long to progress.

Best Fiends file information

اسم الحزمة: com.Seriously.BestFiends
إصدار: 5.8.0 (2101500666)
حجم الملف: 95.4 ميغا بايت
محدث: يوليو 21, 2018
الحد الأدنى من إصدار Android: ذكري المظهر 4.1 (هلام الفول, API 16)

Download AliExpress – تسوق أكثر ذكاءً, أفضل APK العيش

OLD VERSIONS of AliExpress – تسوق أكثر ذكاءً, أفضل APK العيش

Download Best FiendsPuzzle Adventure 5.7.0

اسم الحزمة: com.Seriously.BestFiends
إصدار: 5.7.0 (2101500659)
حجم الملف: 94.1 ميغا بايت
تم الرفع: يونيه 9, 2018
الحد الأدنى من إصدار Android: ذكري المظهر 4.1 (هلام الفول, API 16)

Download Best FiendsPuzzle Adventure 5.7.7

اسم الحزمة: com.Seriously.BestFiends
إصدار: 5.7.7 (2101500665)
حجم الملف: 95.1 ميغا بايت
تم الرفع: يونيه 30, 2018
الحد الأدنى من إصدار Android: ذكري المظهر 4.1 (هلام الفول, API 16)

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