Clumsy Ninja APK

Meet Clumsy Ninja, the most hapless ninja ever to grace a touchscreen!

Train him, throw him, tickle him, and even tie balloons to him. Everything you do will make Clumsy Ninja more skillful, and help him find his missing friend, Kira.

Clumsy Ninja is the next generation of interactive characters! He can sense, feel, يتحرك, and react uniquely every time. Prepare to be amazed oh, and please take good care of him!

Train your ninja to learn new tricks and super-special Ninja Moves! Impress his sensei and earn new Ninja Belts on your way to find Kira, or just have fun with over 70 unique interactive items, including trampolines, punch bags, ball guns, a chicken, and a squirrel!

You and your ninja will travel to new locations, play new games, meet new characters, complete quests, and unlock fun new items to play with. How many will you discover?

Customize Clumsy Ninja’s suits, أحزمة, and headbands to match your style. Take photos of your ninja’s craziest stunts. Keep your eyes peeled: there are many surprises waiting for you!

Clumsy Ninja is a living virtual friend who thinks and acts with real intelligenceand a lot of clumsiness! You’ll experience unique moments with your ninja and his companions every time you play!

Clumsy Ninja is the first game on touch devices to ever use the EUPHORIA simulation technology – producing the most believable character you’ve ever seen.

Requires Android OS 2.3 أو لاحقا.

يرجى الملاحظة! Clumsy Ninja is free to play, ولكنه يحتوي على عناصر يمكن شراؤها بأموال حقيقية.
To prevent unauthorised purchases, حدد "ضبط أو تغيير رقم التعريف الشخصي" من قائمة إعدادات Google Play, إنشاء رقم التعريف الشخصي, then enable the “Use PIN for Purchases” option. سيُطلب منك بعد ذلك إدخال رقم التعريف الشخصي (PIN) الخاص بك قبل كل معاملة.

Requires Android OS 3.x and above

Clumsy Ninja is published by NaturalMotion Games Ltd

فئة: ألعاب / أكشن
نظام التشغيل: ذكري المظهر
سعر: حر

ما هو الجديد

• Support for offline play only
• Player profiles no longer stored online (local saves only)
• Ads removed (including ‘watch to earn’)

آراء / رأي المستخدم:

  • It went back on progress once but not much. Didn’t mind too much Otherwise really fun and funny love mystery box . Why have stuff quick-repairing at first then long later (specific items) and why not multiple mystery boxes? Add a gem a master or master star
  • I loved this game until today, it decided to just delete my progress??? I was level 32 and I had a few purchases and stuff and it just brought me back to level 1, oh and the button to sync it with my good account doesn’t respond. I’m really bummed so that’s it for me
  • Good graphics and good EVERYTHING. All of it is good but sad part is is that you can lose the progress in the game and if you uninstall the game then all the progress os gone and I have spent HOURS on end playing this game and thought that they should make a save system in the game or like log into you facebook or somthing like that and I want to say this to all of you who look at the comments to get the game. sorry if it’s long.
  • It takes up quite a lot of space on your device, I do wish you could create sort of an account because with the new update you can no longer save your account which sucks because what if someone’s device breaks, or they have a new device. This game!e is very fun and addicting the only problem with the game itself is it takes quite a while to level up and sometimes you can’t do certain tasks until your the next level.


اسم الحزمة: com.naturalmotion.clumsyninja
إصدار: 1.31.0 (13100072)
حجم الملف: 18.3 ميغا بايت
محدث: مايو 26, 2018
الحد الأدنى من إصدار Android: ذكري المظهر 2.3.3 (خبز الزنجبيل, API 10)

DOWNLOAD Clumsy Ninja 1.31.0 (13100072) APK

الإصدارات القديمة

Clumsy Ninja 1.29.0

اسم الحزمة: com.naturalmotion.clumsyninja
إصدار: 1.29.0 (12900001)
حجم الملف: 18.6 ميغا بايت
تم الرفع: ديسمبر 18, 2017
الحد الأدنى من إصدار Android: ذكري المظهر 2.3.3 (خبز الزنجبيل, API 10)

Clumsy Ninja 1.27.0

اسم الحزمة: com.naturalmotion.clumsyninja
إصدار: 1.27.0 (12700002)
حجم الملف: 18.6 ميغا بايت
تم الرفع: ديسمبر 7, 2017
الحد الأدنى من إصدار Android: ذكري المظهر 2.3.3 (خبز الزنجبيل, API 10)

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