تحميل مسرع زائد APK

Download Accelerator Plus is a powerful speed booster, an advanced download manager, a must-have tool for Android devices.

Facing difficulty playing favorite MUSIC VIDEO online??? Blow away your worry now! Download and play offline with the fastest-ever speed of DAP!!!

Why choose us?

*Outstanding features:
Direct download to SD card (except on Android 4.4) – AVAILABLE IN DAP EXCLUSIVELY!!!
Totally FREE for installation with lots of powerful features.
Support all formats: أرشفة الملفات, موسيقى, فيديو, مستندات, programs
A doodle to use and manage downloads
Support multiple web browsers, بما فيها: متصفح Android الافتراضي, كروم, ثعلب النار
Auto-catch download links whenever you copy to clipboard or open a downloadable link.
Pause and Resume feature with supported links.
Auto-resume corrupted downloads due to network error
Smart error handling feature which helps prevent download threads interruption.

*Well-optimized UI for TABLETS
Redesigned full-screen view for refreshed interface and design elements.
Multi-pane layouts in landscape mode
Easy to use with only a few taps away

* مدير تحميل متقدم:
Boost MUSIC and VIDEO download speed by splitting files into multi-parts and using multi-thread download with buffering size optimization.
Quotas feature limits downloading to defined number of maximum speed.
Download many MUSIC/VIDEO URLs simultaneously or add in a queue to download later.
Refresh dead links with new ones to continue downloading
Option to save MUSIC/VIDEO into external SD card as default
Add more file extension
Scan data to detect MUSIC/VIDEO for media players
Download file from QR code scanning.

* Powerful Built-in Browser:
Built-in web browser supports multiple tabs, التاريخ والإشارات.
Easier to download by automatically catching links of MUSIC/VIDEO from your favorite websites.

* Extended Notifications:
Notifications with download progress. Freely switch the progress status between Mb/Mb or %/Mb

* Interface:
Download manager sort files by name, بحجم, يكتب, order and categorize by types.
User-friendly design: تصميم المواد, interface customization and themes, rich context menu.

Subscribe PREMIUM membership to unlock the full power of DAP download manager:
Remove all ads.
Private mode: passcode, hidden files and file encryption.
Schedule download
Customize your theme
Used to enjoy features of DAP? You are now certainly into our PREMIUM version!!

كيف تستعمل?

To download general files: – Tap the Plus button and insert the URL link.
Or you can click the link and select to download with Download Accelerator Plus

To download MUSIC or VIDEO: – Tap the Browser icon to open built-in browser
Navigate to your favorite MUSIC/VIDEO website and play
The application will automatically catch the download link
You can see a list of available download URL in the menu at the top right corner
يرجى ملاحظة أن التنزيل من YOUTUBE غير مدعوم بسبب شروط الخدمة الخاصة بهم

To refresh a dead link
– طريقة 1: add a new URL. The app automatically finds broken link in download list which is identical with the new one. You can select the option to replace and continue download progress or start downloading as a new file
– طريقة 2: long click on the failed task. Then select to refresh link in the context menu appearing. Enter the new URL to replace the old one

توضيح لأذونات الوصول:
Network Connection (خدمة الإنترنت) هو لتنزيل الملف
– تخزين (تعديل أو حذف المحتويات على وحدة تخزين USB الخاصة بك) is for creating and storing downloaded data
Camera access: take photo for QR code scanning.
Control Vibration: إنشاء تأثير الاهتزاز للإخطار الضروري.

Any suggestions or feedbacks are welcome. Please drop us a message at [email protected].

فئة: أدوات
نظام التشغيل: ذكري المظهر
سعر: حر

ما هو الجديد

Upgrade browser: faster and lighter, better ad-blocker
Support to download on more websites
Fix minor bugs

آراء / رأي المستخدم:

  • This is a must-have app if you download lots of things. It really improves your download speed; مثل, for me, downloading a 250mb file takes around 5min but with this it only took 1min.
  • It doesn’t resume an interrupted download. I’ve been using this app for over a year now and not once had I been able to succesfully resume a downloading file that stopped due to intermitent internet connection. I’ve renewed my premium subscription to compare it to another app that I just recently downloaded, and what a waste of money this app has been.

Download Accelerator Plus FILE INFORMATION

اسم الحزمة: com.rubycell.apps.internet.download.manager
إصدار: 20170828 (2120170828)
حجم الملف: 7.4 ميغا بايت
محدث: يمشي 14, 2018
الحد الأدنى من إصدار Android: ذكري المظهر 5.0 (مصاصة, API 21)

DOWNLOAD Download Accelerator Plus 20170828 (2120170828) APK

الإصدارات القديمة

Accelerator Plus 20170826

اسم الملف: com.rubycell.apps.internet.download.manager_v20170826-2120170826_Android-5.0.apk
إصدار: 20170826 (2120170826)
تم الرفع: أغسطس 26, 2017 في 6:09مساءا بتوقيت جرينتش +00
حجم الملف: 7.40ميغا بايت (7,761,571 بايت)
الحد الأدنى من إصدار Android: ذكري المظهر 5.0+ (مصاصة, API 21)

Accelerator Plus 20170822

اسم الملف: com.rubycell.apps.internet.download.manager_v20170822-2120170822_Android-5.0.apk
إصدار: 20170822 (2120170822)
تم الرفع: أغسطس 22, 2017 في 4:43مساءا بتوقيت جرينتش +00
حجم الملف: 7.41ميغا بايت (7,768,899 بايت)
الحد الأدنى من إصدار Android: ذكري المظهر 5.0+ (مصاصة, API 21)

Accelerator Plus 20170730

اسم الملف: com.rubycell.apps.internet.download.manager_v20170730-2120170730_Android-5.0.apk
إصدار: 20170730 (2120170730)
تم الرفع: أغسطس 1, 2017 في 4:52مساءا بتوقيت جرينتش +00
حجم الملف: 7.28ميغا بايت (7,637,067 بايت)
الحد الأدنى من إصدار Android: ذكري المظهر 5.0+ (مصاصة, API 21)

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