Android Wear Latest Version for Android
(3.7/5 متوسط التقييم على Google Play بواسطة 88,000 المستخدمين)
قم بتنزيل هذا التطبيق لتوصيل ساعتك الذكية التي تعمل بنظام Android Wear بهاتفك الذي يعمل بنظام Android. Android Wear watches let you:
• Choose from thousands of watch faces to express your style. Personalize your watch face with what matters to you: your steps, schedule, مخزون, أو أكثر.
• Check important info like who’s calling, SMS and messages, and alerts from your favorite apps. You can even speak, handwrite, يكتب, use Smart Reply, or draw a quick response right from your watch.
• Get built-in fitness monitoring and coaching from your favorite running and fitness apps: جوجل فيت, Runkeeper, Runtastic, Strava, و اكثر. Track your walks, runs, or rides, get coaching for strength training, listen to music, and even measure your heart rate (on supported watches).
• Android Wear watches have the Google Assistant* built-in. Ask it questions. Tell it to do things. إنها جوجل الشخصية الخاصة بك. Just hold the power button or say “حسنا جوجل” to get help from your Assistant.
• Download and use Android Wear apps like Google Maps, اوبر, Foursquare, موسيقى Google Play, ال WhatsApp, and thousands more of your favorite apps right on your watch.
• Express your style with watches like ASUS ZenWatch, Fossil Q Wander, Huawei Watch, LG Watch Style and Sport, Michael Kors Access, Moto 360, Nixon Mission, Polar M600, TAG Heuer Connected and more.
ما هو الجديد
New UI making it easier to scroll through information, take action, and switch watch faces
New ways to use apps and download directly from the on-watch Google Play Store
Improved workout mode for Google Fit
Responding to messages with on-watch keyboard, handwriting, and Smart Reply
Google Assistant for your watch
Android Wear file Information
اسم الملف:
إصدار: (770528747)
تم الرفع: يوليو 6, 2017 في 2:53مساءا بتوقيت جرينتش +00
حجم الملف: 28.16ميغا بايت (29,524,251 بايت)
الحد الأدنى من إصدار Android: ذكري المظهر 4.3+ (هلام الفول, API 18)
MD5: 967765040777dd249962a879a420f2b9
SHA1: d4789e01e0f34314435ba1666894c0089ad2d967
Download Android Wear APK v2.0:
- Download Android Wear (770528747) APK >> حجم الملف: 28.16ميغا بايت
- Get Android Wear from Google Play