ANT Radio Service 4.14.0 APK أحدث إصدار


Download ANT Radio Service 4.14.0 APK لجهاز Android Mobile الخاص بك, جهاز لوحي أو أي جهاز يعمل بنظام Android من برابط مباشر.

This service is similar to the system components that enable other forms of wireless connectivity on your phone (ie. واي فاي, نفك) and will not run or use system resources unless you start an app that requires ANT wireless communication. It is pre-installed by your device manufacturer to allow the built-in ANT wireless hardware already present in your mobile device to operate. If you do not intend to use this feature there will be no impact to your system and no further action is required.

If this service is not pre-installed on your phone you may still be able to enable ANT+ communication, see for more info.

What is ANT?

ANT is an extremely power efficient wireless communication technology. ANT allows you to connect to, and make use of various other ANT or ANT+ devices. اليوم, this service allows you to connect to popular interoperable ANT+ sport/fitness/health devices such as heart rate sensors, fitness equipment, cycling products, weight scales and more. In the future it will be possible to use ANT to enable a myriad of new applications from your mobile device, such as home automation control of lighting, temperature and door lock functions. Visit for more info.


ANT Radio Service 4.14.0 معلومات APK:

اسم الملف: com.dsi.ant.service.socket.apk
إصدار: 4.14.0
تم الرفع: سبتمبر 24, 2016 في 14:38 مساءا بتوقيت جرينتش +00
حجم الملف: 178ك
الحد الأدنى من إصدار Android: 2.1 و اعلى

تطويرص: ANT+

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