التصفيق للعثور على v3.2 APK

التصفيق للعثور على v3.2 APK

هل تفقد هاتفك بانتظام في المنزل/المكتب؟?
هل تضيع الكثير من الوقت في العثور عليه?

اذا نعم, Clap to Find is an app just for you.

Quickly clap 3 times to configure and get started
Sound/Vibrate/Flash alert modes
Customizable ringtone & volume
Customizable time for which the alert plays
Auto start app when phone is put on silent
Pause clap detection when not needed eg: in office hours
Auto adjusts sensitivity based on Android device
Customizable sensitivity
Widget for easy enabling/disabling
Low battery usage
Just enable the app and free yourself from the tension of finding your phone. Now your phone will tell you where it is by ringing/vibrating/flashing, you just need to Clap to find it.

ما هو الجديد

With each new version we are improving the app for a better user experience. Hope you will like it!!!
Changed app enable/disable button to on/off switch for ease of use.
Improved clap sensitivity configuration
– البق الثابتة

يتطلب أندرويد : 3.0 و اعلى
مقدمة من : نحن تقشعر لها الأبدان

التصفيق للعثور على 3.2 APK

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