جهات الاتصال APK تنزيل v3.2.4.220343473 أحدث إصدار

Download Google Contacts APK Download Latest version for free here for your android phone or tablet

Back up your contacts and sync them across all your devices
• Safely back up the contacts in your Google Account to the cloud
• Access the contacts in your Google Account from any device
Keep your contacts organized and up to date
• View your contacts by account (على سبيل المثال, work vs. personal)
• Easily add contacts and edit information like phone numbers, رسائل البريد الإلكتروني, and photos
• Get suggestions for adding new contacts, cleaning up duplicates, و اكثر
Contacts is currently only supported on devices running Android Lollipop and above.

ما هو الجديد

•Dark theme is here! It turns on automatically with Battery Saver, or you can set it yourself from the main menu.
آراء / رأي المستخدم:
  • I dunno why but dark mode only works when I tap on a contact. On the contact list, it’s still light theme. And why is it I cannot see the sidebar menu? Why there’s no 3 lines button on my top left side of the app? There’s even no dark theme toggle anywhere. Are some features blocked on certain region? This is the only issue for me to give 5 stars I am on Pixel 2 XL
  • The Labels only allow you to pick from half the listIt doesn’t show the other half! The ability to merge multiple accounts is removed. You’ve taken away the ability to merge contacts from different apps/accounts and only allow merging of contacts within the your Google account. This means you can’t merge a LinkedIn contact with a Google contact like you used to manually and the app won’t suggest all duplicates so you have to manually merge them.
  • The Labels only allow you to pick from half the listIt doesn’t show the other half! The ability to merge multiple accounts is removed. You’ve taken away the ability to merge contacts from different apps/accounts and only allow merging of contacts within the your Google account. This means you can’t merge a LinkedIn contact with a Google contact like you used to manually and the app won’t suggest all duplicates so you have to manually merge them.

Google Contacts (nodpi) (ذكري المظهر 5.0+) معلومات الملف

إصدار: (2161326)
طَرد: com.google.android.contacts
حجم الملف: 8.3 ميغا بايت (8,702,826 بايت)
دقيقة: ذكري المظهر 5.0 (مصاصة, API 21)
تم الرفع: شهر نوفمبر 17, 2018 في 7:58صباحا

Download Google Contacts (nodpi) (ذكري المظهر 5.0+) APK

الإصدارات القديمة

Google Contacts (nodpi) (ذكري المظهر 5.0+)

إصدار: (2161386)
طَرد: com.google.android.contacts
حجم الملف: 8.3 ميغا بايت (8,702,826 بايت)
دقيقة: ذكري المظهر 5.0 (مصاصة, API 21)
تم الرفع: شهر نوفمبر 21, 2018 في 6:04مساءً

Google Contacts (nodpi) (ذكري المظهر 5.0+)

إصدار: (2149632)
طَرد: com.google.android.contacts
حجم الملف: 8.14 ميغا بايت (8,540,630 بايت)
دقيقة: ذكري المظهر 5.0 (مصاصة, API 21)
تم الرفع: اكتوبر 24, 2018 في 5:20صباحا

Google Contacts (nodpi) (ذكري المظهر 5.0+)

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