Card Action Battles with Intuitive Controls
– Easily control your favorite DB fighters.
– Unleash fierce combos and explosive special moves with the touch of a finger!
Worldwide Versus Battles
– Real-time battles against DB fans from around the world.
– Power up your own character and crush the competition!
Original Storyline
– Play as the all new character designed by Akira Toriyama!
– Experience a new adventure with Goku and all your favorite characters.
عن طريق تحميل أو تثبيت هذا التطبيق, أنت توافق على شروط خدمة BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment.
بانداي نامكو إنترتينمنت إنك. موقع الكتروني:
عن طريق تحميل أو تثبيت هذا التطبيق, أنت توافق على شروط خدمة BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment.
شروط الخدمة:
سياسة الخصوصية:
تحتوي هذه اللعبة على بعض العناصر المتاحة للشراء داخل التطبيق والتي يمكنها تحسين طريقة اللعب وتسريع تقدمك. يمكن تعطيل عمليات الشراء داخل التطبيق في إعدادات جهازك, يرى = ar لمزيد من التفاصيل.
مشغل بواسطة “CRIWARE”.
CRIWARE هي علامة تجارية لشركة CRI Middleware Co., المحدودة.
يتم توزيع هذا التطبيق بموجب الحقوق الرسمية من صاحب الترخيص.
©BIRD STUDIO / SHUEISHA, الرسوم المتحركة توي
©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
ما هو الجديد
– Fixed battle issues
– Fixed surrounding display issues
– Adjusted some of the UI
– Fixed various other bugs
* Check the in-game News for more information.
آراء / رأي المستخدم:
- The game can certainly be fun and a good way to kill time but PvP is kind of a joke. You might be at battle rank 12 with all your characters at 1000 power and you’ll be matched up against people at rank 17 with all their characters at 2000 قوة. The game itself like I said overall is fun but PvP needs a better judging system for matchups before I consider giving this game a higher rating. يحرر: I actually dropped the rating a star because the summon rates are trash. Dokkan Battle is better
- Devs are extremely responsive to patron feedback, game has been nonstop fun since it’s release. Only thing I would want is some way to increase Max energy cap cause I don’t want to stop playing! يحرر: The most recent banner is the largest diluted gacha banner I’ve ever seen. It’s s money grab.
- Its a good game however it can be a huge grind to limit break characters, especially considering there is a huge amount of hero characters only making it harder to get the sparkling one you want. Maybe increasing the energy cap since 10 is low considering some events require 3 energy per round could improve overall gameplay & making it easier to upgrade characters like kid goku who require their own souls as it can be a massive grind to get him to level 2000. Also multiplayer is unfair as of now
- PVP is still a very big issue. completely unfair, and outmatched. I played pvp with lv1 characters, and get match with characters 40, أو 50 levels above me. Even with my higher lv characters this issue keeps happening where I completely outmatched. Vanishing gauge is massively abused The pvp is a nightmare, and winning a match is a miracle in itself. I’m not changing my review until this pvp issue is fixed.
DRAGON BALL LEGENDS 1.30.0 معلومات الملف
إصدار: 1.30.0 (87)
طَرد: com.bandainamcoent.dblegends_ww
حجم الملف:57.02 ميغا بايت (59,787,132 بايت)
دقيقة: ذكري المظهر 6.0 (مرشملوو, API 23)
تم الرفع: يمشي 27, 2019 في 1:19مساءً
- Download DRAGON BALL LEGENDS 1.30.0 APK – 57.02 ميغا بايت
الإصدارات القديمة
طَرد: com.bandainamcoent.dblegends_ww
حجم الملف: 53.17 ميغا بايت (55,756,722 بايت)
طَرد: com.bandainamcoent.dblegends_ww
حجم الملف: 53.54 ميغا بايت (56,144,921 بايت)
طَرد: com.bandainamcoent.dblegends_ww