توفير طاقة البطارية DU 4.1.7 (3579) APK أحدث إصدار

DU Battery Saver APK Latest Version Download

DU Battery Saver هو تطبيق مجاني لتوفير طاقة البطارية يجعل البطارية تدوم لفترة أطول, ويمكن أن تساعدك على الوصول إلى 50% المزيد من عمر البطارية لهاتف Android الخاص بك! على 400 مليون مستخدم حول العالم يحبون DU Battery Saver. مع أوضاع إدارة طاقة البطارية الذكية المحددة مسبقًا في DU Battery Saver, one-touch controls and healthy battery charger stage features, you can solve battery problems and extend your battery life.

Why DU Battery Saver (معززة البطارية & Battery Charger) is a MUST-HAVE app?
★ One-Click Optimization & حافظ البطارية
Instantly find and fix battery power consumption problems and unlock detailed settings to fine-tune your energy savings;

★ Smart Pre-set Modes
Choose or customize a mode that fits your energy usage;

★ Phone Cooler
The cool down feature works by systematically monitoring, managing, and disabling CPU-intensive apps in order to reduce phone temperature to a safe level and protect your hardware;

★ Charging Booster
Boost charging for three-charge stages (سرعة, Continuous and Trickle). Charge your battery when it’s lower than 20% stage, and continuously charge until the 3rd stage of the trickle charging is complete. Do not overcharge or undercharge by charging in short bursts. على الجانب الآخر, محسن البطارية, such as stop the high consumption apps, is to boost charging. Charging Screensaver further optimized for faster charging;

★ Battery Saver & Battery Monitor
Monitor all apps that drain power while not in use and remind user about high consumption apps. Indicates how much battery power will be extended if you use 1tap saving. Monitor all running-appspower consumption and list you the detail to app manager, Battery Monitor, clearly shows the status of battery life and usage;

★ Convenient Power-Saving Widget
OurTask Killerwidget will optimize your power consumption conveniently. The 4×1 widget makes it easier to manage Wifi, Data, سطوع, إلخ, and set power saving modes;
DU Swipe became more useful: Added camera & OPTIMIZE shortcuts.

توفير طاقة البطارية DU & Battery Monitor Widget is the simplest and easiest way to keep your Android phone working well when you need it, and protect against poor charging, battery hogging apps, and overlooked device settings that shorten your battery life.

More questions about DU Battery Saver & معززة البطارية? Contact us at [email protected]

Other DU apps:
منظف ​​دو:https://goo.gl/GtGoZB
الداعم سرعة دو:https://goo.gl/hKIl74

ما هو الجديد

إصدار 4.1.7 التحديثات:
1. Improved algorithm gives more accurate standby time
2. DU Swipe became more useful: Added camera & OPTIMIZE shortcuts
3. Charging Screensaver further optimized for faster charging
4. الأخطاء ثابتة

DU Battery Saver file Information:

اسم الملف: com.dianxinos.dxbs_v4.1.7-3579_Android-2.3.apk
إصدار: 4.1.7 (3579)
تم الرفع هنا: يونيه 22, 2016 في 11:06صباحا
حجم الملف: 6.91ميغا بايت (7,241,624 بايت)
إصدار Android مطلوب: ذكري المظهر 2.3+ (خبز الزنجبيل, API 9)

Download DU Battery Saver APK v4.1:

  • Download DU Battery Saver 4.1.7 (3579) APK أحدث إصدار – 6.91ميغا بايت
  • قم بالتثبيت مباشرة من Google Play

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