Resilio Sync APK تنزيل v2.6.3 أحدث إصدار

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Sync lets you transfer files directly from device to device. مشاركة الصور, أشرطة فيديو, docs without storage limits: our technology works especially well with huge files.

Create your own private cloud. Connect devices and sync files securely between your Mac, كمبيوتر, NAS, and even server. Use Sync on your mobile to access the files you keep on your home computer or work laptop.

Sync encrypts all files during transfer and never stores any of your information on third-party servers. This means your data is protected against identity theft or attacks.

No storage limits
• Sync as much data as you have on your hard drive or SD card.
• Add large files of any size to your synced folders and transfer them up to 16x faster than the cloud.

Automatic camera backup
• Sync will back up photos and videos as soon as you take them.
• You can then delete photos from your phone and save space.
• Set up backup of any info from your phone to a folder on your computer.

Any device and platform
• Access folders and upload files to your tablet, كمبيوتر, ماك, NAS, and even server from anywhere.

One Time Send
• The fastest and most private way to send files to friends and family.
• Send one or more files to multiple recipients without sharing the whole folder or creating a permanent sync connection.
• Send photos, أشرطة فيديو, أفلام, or any other large file directly to friends.

Direct transfers, no cloud
• Your information is never stored on servers in the cloud, so nobody can access it without your permission.
• Transfer files directly and fast using BitTorrent peer-to-peer technology (p2p).
• Connect two devices by taking picture of a QR code, even if you are in local network without internet connection.

Save space
• Selective Sync lets you save only the files you need.
• Clear synced files to free up space on your device.

Supports all file types
• Sync photos, أشرطة فيديو, موسيقى, PDFs, docs and books library to your Android phone or tablet.

To get the best performance and to avoid running up your data charges while syncing folders, we recommend leaving theUse Cellular Datasetting off.

ملحوظة: Resilio Sync is a personal file syncing manager. It is not compatible with torrent file sharing applications.

ما هو الجديد

Improved SD card support

آراء / رأي المستخدم:

  • تحذير! This wiped my pictures completely! I had so many issues getting my windows machine to connect to Linux server to connect to phone. Even when I did get them linked no folders would auto sync and none were displayed. I finally wiped everything and started over and finally got some files to transfer to phone and server but it was slow. I changed the sync folder location on windows to a folder with some Xmas pics already and it WIPED them! No recycle bin! No archive folder with them! POS!
  • It DOESN’T sync your files from your handphone to your computer. It’s merely making backup copies from either both of them thus making clearing and deleting very tedious and therefore useless as a syncing solution. فمثلا, if you remove any files from your handphone, it will NOT register that changes and continue to backup across ALL your other device like computers etc. You need to permanently remove them in individual backup device. ملحوظة: clickingForce rescandoesn’t work or help.
  • This app may be great, but I may never know, since I can’t get it to work. Both the android and windows apps fail miserably as far as UX. They need to learn how to make apps easy to figure out and use, otherwise the functionality, no matter how good, doesn’t matter.

Resilio Sync 2.6.3 (الذراع- v7a) معلومات الملف

إصدار: 2.6.3 (8071)
طَرد: com.resilio.sync
حجم الملف: 20.08 ميغا بايت (21,060,062 بايت)
دقيقة: ذكري المظهر 4.0 (سندويش الايسكريم, API 14)
تم الرفع: ديسمبر 27, 2018 في 9:21مساءً

Download Resilio Sync 2.6.3 (الذراع- v7a) APK

الإصدارات القديمة

Resilio Sync 2.6.2 (الذراع- v7a)

تم الرفع ديسمبر 14, 2018 في 12:44صباحا بتوقيت جرينتش +0530 by Jacob HA (EMK2000)
إصدار: 2.6.2 (8021)
طَرد: com.resilio.sync
حجم الملف: 20.08 ميغا بايت (21,060,623 بايت)
دقيقة: ذكري المظهر 4.0 (سندويش الايسكريم, API 14)
تم الرفع : ديسمبر 14, 2018 في 12:44صباحا

Resilio Sync 2.6.1 (الذراع- v7a)

إصدار: 2.6.1 (7881)
طَرد: com.resilio.sync
حجم الملف: 18.84 ميغا بايت (19,755,583 بايت)
دقيقة: ذكري المظهر 4.0 (سندويش الايسكريم, API 14)
تم الرفع: أغسطس 22, 2018 في 7:38مساءً

Resilio Sync 2.6.0 (الذراع- v7a)

طَرد: com.resilio.sync
حجم الملف: 18.84 ميغا بايت (19,755,138 بايت)
دقيقة: ذكري المظهر 4.0 (سندويش الايسكريم, API 14)
تم الرفع: أغسطس 6, 2018 في 11:15مساءً

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