Signal Private APK Download Messenger4.31.5 beta (ذكري المظهر 4.0+) احدث اصدار

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Privacy is possible, Signal makes it easy.

Using Signal, you can communicate instantly while avoiding SMS fees, create groups so that you can chat in real time with all your friends at once, and share media or attachments all with complete privacy. The server never has access to any of your communication and never stores any of your data.

★ Say Anything. Signal uses an advanced end to end encryption protocol that provides privacy for every message every time.

★ Open Source. Signal is Free and Open Source, enabling anyone to verify its security by auditing the code. Signal is the only private messenger that uses open source peer-reviewed cryptographic protocols to keep your messages safe.

★ Be YourselfSignal uses your existing phone number and address book. There are no separate logins, usernames, كلمات السر, or PINs to manage or lose.

★ Group Chat. Signal allows you to create encrypted groups so you can have private conversations with all your friends at once. Not only are the messages encrypted, but the Signal server never has access to any group metadata such as the membership list, group title, or group icon.

★ سريع. The Signal protocol is designed to operate in the most constrained environment possible. Using Signal, messages are instantly delivered to friends.

★ Speak FreelyMake crystal-clear phone calls to people who live across town, or across the ocean, with no long-distance charges.

Signal is not currently compatible with tablets, but support for larger screens is on our roadmap and will be included in a future release!

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★ Support forsealed sender” رسائل:
★ We updated the built-in emoji set and added support forFitzpatrickcustomization. Look for the arrow next to some of your favorite emoji characters, then tap and hold to make a selection.

آراء / رأي المستخدم:

  • Lots of little updates but things important to me that I use in WhatsApp and cant live without: 1. Backup and restore from Google Drive 2. Whole multimedia experience sucks. Cant seem to select bGoogle photos to select media. Cant crop pics selected. Videos cant be edited. Getting closer to being a WhatsApp alternative but the ability to send different types of media and editing them is key. Thats where all.the fun is
  • Get rid of the stupid pop up notification. Get rid of the stupid pop up notification. Just get rid of it. The only problem used to be sim card selection was cumbersome and should be 2 seperate buttons, but now the pop up notifications are absolutely dysfunctional in every way possible. Other than that it is still great. But such illogical inconvenient and irritating as hell pop up errors and simple button issues are enough to make it a 1 نجمة. Please get rid of the popup notification. Get rid of
  • Brilliant app! Much the same functionality as WhatsApp but with the big difference that your data is private plus the very useful bonus that it also works perfectly as a regular SMS messenger, so two apps in one! Great for phone calls to family home where phone signal is weak. And all for free with no adverts.
  • Simple to use. I like it just because it means I don’t have to give all my contacts and metadata to Facebook. I am of a generation that used to consider one’s address book highly confidential, not something to be sprayed around the internet. The encryption is a bonus.

Signal Private Messenger 4.31.5 بيتا (ذكري المظهر 4.0+) معلومات الملف

إصدار: 4.31.5 (436)
طَرد: org.thoughtcrime.securesms
حجم الملف: 36.1 ميغا بايت (37,849,713 بايت)
دقيقة: ذكري المظهر 4.0 (سندويش الايسكريم, API 14)
تم الرفع: ديسمبر 8, 2018 في 12:01صباحا

Download Signal Private Messenger 4.31.5 بيتا (ذكري المظهر 4.0+) APK

الإصدارات القديمة

Signal Private Messenger 4.31.4 بيتا (ذكري المظهر 4.0+)

إصدار: 4.31.4 (435)
طَرد: org.thoughtcrime.securesms
Filsize: 36.08 ميغا بايت (37,836,931 بايت)
دقيقة: ذكري المظهر 4.0 (سندويش الايسكريم, API 14)
تم الرفع: ديسمبر 5, 2018 في 9:59صباحا

Signal Private Messenger 4.31.3 بيتا (ذكري المظهر 4.0+)

Signal Private Messenger 4.31.2 بيتا (ذكري المظهر 4.0+)

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