تنزيل Smart Tutor for SAMSUNG Mobile APK v1.5 (يبني 220) (ذكري المظهر 4.0+) احدث اصدار

Download Smart Tutor for SAMSUNG Mobile APK Download Latest version for free here for your android phone or tablet
Smart Tutor is an easy, quick and safe means of consulting for Android™ smart phone and tablet series. It can be used to diagnose your device remotely in order to optimize device performance and give functional advice.Diagnoses can be requested for the following:
• Data transfer, backup and restore
• New features advice
• Software update check
• Account settings (Samsung/Google™/email/etc.)

كيف تبدأ
1. تحميل “Smart Tutorfrom Google play store and install on our Android device.
* From Galaxy S5, please download Smart Tutor via the Galaxy Essential widget
(this features may differ by region or nations.)
2. Make a phone call to the SAMSUNG Contact center. After agreeing “الشروط والأحكام”,
the phone number of contact center will be displayed.(Because it is depending on country)
3. Enter the 6 digits connection code given by a tech expert.
4. Once connected, a tech expert will diagnose your mobile.
5. If you want to terminateSmart Tutor”, please tapDisconnect” قائمة.

• Safety & Reliable
Don’t worry about exposing our private information.Smart Tutorrestricts a tech expert
from accessing applications with customer’s private information such as Gallery, رسالة,
e-mail and other throughout special features.
• Convenient & سهل
Provide remote support from our Android device quickly and easily if we can use 3G/4G or Wi-Fi.
• Features
Screen Share / دردشة / Screen Lock / Application Lock

المتطلبات & ملحوظة
1. “Smart Tutorworks with Android OS(Above Android 2.3.6)
2. “Google Experience Deviceis not supported such asGalaxy Nexus
3. Connection in 3G/4G Network will be chargeable according to your network data fee agreement with
your operator/Telecom. Before the connection, ensure to check Wi-Fi availability for free support

  • What the hell is happening with all useless Samsung mobile unnecessarily ads always shown on screen not happened in MI mobile which I was using from last 3 years but Samsung just loosing their customers. I don’t wanna rate even single
  • When I call to provided helpline number it is said that the number is invalid.I mean what the hell is happening.Does Samsung want to loose their customers.
  • Using remote access the technical staff has tried twice and failed to resolve a Samsung stock email badge number problem that began when a mandatory phone system update was made just yesterday :
  • Horrible customer service! Didn’t listen to me at all. Did eat they wanted with my phone with zero consideration to my opinion. Messed up my phone settings after telling them that east they wanted to do had already been done. Horrible!

Smart Tutor for SAMSUNG Mobile 1.5 (يبني 220) (ذكري المظهر 4.0+) معلومات الملف

إصدار: 1.5 (يبني 220) (220)
طَرد: com.rsupport.rs.activity.rsupport.aas2
حجم الملف: 7.84 ميغا بايت (8,219,093 بايت)
دقيقة: ذكري المظهر 4.0 (سندويش الايسكريم, API 14)
تم الرفع: ديسمبر 8, 2018 في 12:01صباحا

Download Smart Tutor for SAMSUNG Mobile 1.5 (يبني 220) (ذكري المظهر 4.0+)APK – 7.84 ميغا بايت

الإصدارات القديمة

Smart Tutor for SAMSUNG Mobile 1.5 (يبني 212) (ذكري المظهر 4.0+)

إصدار: 1.5 (يبني 212) (212)
طَرد: com.rsupport.rs.activity.rsupport.aas2
حجم الملف: 7.86 ميغا بايت (8,242,060 بايت)
دقيقة: ذكري المظهر 4.0 (سندويش الايسكريم, API 14)
تم الرفع: أغسطس 30, 2018 في 6:11صباحا

Smart Tutor for SAMSUNG Mobile 1.5 (يبني 209) (ذكري المظهر 4.0+)

طَرد: com.rsupport.rs.activity.rsupport.aas2
حجم الملف: 7.87 ميغا بايت (8,250,292 بايت)
دقيقة: ذكري المظهر 4.0 (سندويش الايسكريم, API 14)
تم الرفع: يوليو 6, 2018 في 3:47صباحا

Smart Tutor for SAMSUNG Mobile 1.5 (يبني 204) (ذكري المظهر 4.0+)

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