ToTok APK تحميل 2025 (الرسمية) آخر

هذه الأيام, where people are using social applications to interact with each other on a basis. It’s so important nowadays and without social apps, there is nothing. It’s not just about posting pictures or videos on the web or whatever but the important part is to interact, to communicate, and at a very less cost or even free. لذا, here we have a new & innovative mobile application, known as ToTok APK. It provides free صوتي & فيديو المكالمات, also unlimited calling at no cost, just like your favorite app like WhatsApp.

ToTok is offered by and it’s free to download on mobile devices. It’s available for both Android & iOS operating systems. Unluckily, it’s not on the Google Play Store for some reasons, but you can find it on the Apple AppStore. For android users, if you have a Samsung device, try using Galaxy Store. For Huawei users, try App Gallery. Others can visit their official website to “Download Totok APK Latest Version” for free. لكن, في هذه المقالة, you can find the download button and its features.

Download ToTok APK for Android

ToTok APK is a simple and secure application for all your social needs. If you need an app that is secure, سريع, requires less data, provides more features, then ToTok can be your new favorite app. ايضا, here are a few questions I would love to ask you. Do you chat a lot? Do you wish you had an app with which you can video call your friends easily? Or, أنت تعرف, let’s say, how about an app where you can make a group of thousands of people. Must be thinking, it’s impossible? نحن سوف, رقم. It’s possible with ToTok. Check below some details of this app & its coolest features.

Features of ToTok APK

Here are the best of the best features of ToTok. I am so surprised that there are these many awesome features in just one application. People are using various apps for various activities, but this app, ToTok, it’s awesome, أنت تعرف. If you really don’t think so, try checking out these features.

خصوصية & حماية

خصوصية & حماية

As we all know that privacy & security matters the most. لذا, ToTok completely in favor of it. هنا, you get the best Encryption feature by default. In this picture, you can see the comparison of ToTok with the world’s best social apps. Your messages are safe and encrypted, no one can hear them, even the official company itself. But we all know, in case of a backup, the encryption feature doesn’t work there. لكن, using an app with privacy & security features is the best option.

Unlimited Free Calling

الوقت الحاضر, there are many apps with the audio-calling feature but most of them show ads, and not secure. But ToTok provides unlimited free calling with security. No matter where you are or your friends. You can always call your friends and there are no limits and no hidden cost. It’s completely free.

20-Person Video Calling

On Totok, we can do a 20-Person video call. Sounds amazing, يمين. This feature is one of the best of its own as video calling is a trending feature, provided by social media apps. لذا, Totok is here and providing this feature with up to 20 people’s video calls. It’s great for friends discussion, حتى, in work, it can help a lot. For like, a short presentation, or for a fun time, let’s do it. Speaking personally, I never used a video-calling feature, but it’s great that the technology is growing.

10,000-Person Group

On other social apps, where just hundreds of people can join a group and it’s very low, أحيانا. ToTok solved that and we can make a group of up to 10,000 اشخاص. This feature can be used for various purposes. دعنا نقول, for college & schools, where teachers can provide important information to their students. حتى, I think, what about a group with all the students, related to a term, مثل, you know programming. There will be thousands of students, and they can find & solve problems, help others, take help, it’s beautiful. We all know, there are bad things too about groups, as we know, technology is a curse sometimes. على أية حال, we focus on great things, and thank you ToTok for making this amazing feature.

Chat Wallpapers

People love using chat wallpapers, but there are not so many amazing wallpapers are there, in current social apps. لكن, ToTok has a library of soothing wallpapers. You can use them in your chats. They are unique, eyes-friendly, و, they are beautiful. It also supports custom chat wallpapers.

Chatting is More Fun


Chatting is more fun with ToTok. هنا, we can send all common things like Stickers, صور متحركة, الصور, أشرطة فيديو, وثائق, Voice Messages, Locations, و أكثر من ذلك بكثير.

Delete Sent Messages

delete sent message

Another cool feature ToTok supports is that you can delete sent messages. There are many situation come where we send a wrong message to someone and that can be a big issue. But here we have ToTok, the savior. Delete Sent Messages and save the day.

Retouch Filter

There are so many people who are afraid of a video call. They usually don’t want to show their faces. صدقا, beauty is inside. لان, pretty’s on the inside, like that song. لكن, ToTok provides a feature to smooth your skins, it’s called the Retouch Filter.

تحميل & Installation Guide For ToTok APK

اتبع هذه بسيطة & easily understandable steps to install ToTok APK on your device.

  • تحميلToTok APK من هنا.
  • Open the apk file from the file manager.
  • تفعيل تثبيت مصدر غير معروف.
  • اضغط على زر التثبيت.
  • حاليا, let the installation finish.
  • افتح التطبيق, make an account, and enjoy its features.
  • تقاسمها مع أصدقائك.
  • Enjoy HD Video Call at no cost.

ملحوظة: إذا وجدت أي مشكلة في التنزيل أو التثبيت, ثم لا تتردد والتعليق أدناه. شكرًا لك.

ما هو الجديد

  • security improvements
  • new chat wallpapers
  • البق & تم إصلاح الأعطال الآن
  • improvement in the features

Download ToTok APK (الرسمية) تنزيل مجاني

 اسم التطبيقToTok
 بحجم60 ميغا بايت
 احدث اصدار1.8.2.393
 تحديثيناير 2022 (12 Hours Ago)
 معلومات وزارة الدفاعFree Video/Audio Calls
 احصل عليهتطبيقات جوجل

Download ToTok APK – (60 ميغا بايت)

ميزات وزارة الدفاع

  • ToTok APK Latest Version
  • Free Audio & Video Calls
  • Unlimited High-quality Calls
  • سريع & Secure Messaging
  • Share Gifs, ملصقات, أشرطة فيديو, Locations, إلخ. during a chat
  • Group Video Calls up to 20-people
  • Group Chats up to 10,000-people
  • Retouch Filter for Video Calls
  • Customize Chat Wallpapers
  • Delete Sent Messages
  • Security and Privacy
  • الدردشات & Calls Stay Private
  • واجهة مستخدم خالية من الإعلانات
  • سهل التنصيب & تحميل
  • متوافق مع جميع أجهزة أندرويد
  • الجذر مجاني & Safe Application
  • Available for iOS and Android devices

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