Unit Converter v1.1 APK LATEST VERSION

Quick unit converter is a simple, fast and accurate unit / metric conversion app that allows you to perform your desired conversion as quickly as possible. Conversion results appear instantly while entering the input data. No Internet connection is required to use Quick Unit Converter (only currency converter will need the internet connection to get latest currency rates).
A perfect unit converter app that can be used for work, مدرسة, office, kitchen or in daily life.Available Unit conversions
Area : Square Kilometre, Metres, Centimetres, Hectare, Mile, Yard, Foot, Inch, Acre.طبخ : Teaspoon, Tablespoon, Cup, Pint, Quart, Ounce, Gallon, Millilitre, Litre.

Currency : دولار أمريكي, AUD, GBP, BRL, BGN, CDN, CNY, HRK, CZK, DKK, EUR, HKD, HUF, INR,IDR, ILS, JPY, KRW, MYR, MXN, NZD, NOK, بي أتش بي, PLN, RON, RUB, SGD, ZAR, SEK, CHF, THB, LIRA.

Digital Storage : قليل, بايت, Kilobyte, Megabit, Megabyte, Gigabit, Gigabyte, Terabit, Terabyte.

Energy : Joule, Kilojoule, Kilocalorie, Calorie, BTU, Ft-lbf, In-lbf, Kilowatt-hour.

Fuel Consumption : Miles/gallon, Liter/100km, Kilometre/litre, Miles/liter.

Length : Kilometre, Miles, Meter, Centimetre, Millimetre, Micrometre, Nanometre ,yard, Feet, Inch, Nautical Mile, Furlong, Light Year.

Mass/Weight : Kilogram, Pound, Gram, Milligram, Ounce, Grain, Stone, Ton.

Power : Watt, Kilowatt, Megawatt, Horsepower, Calorie Per Second, BTU Per Second.

Pressure : Megapascal, Kilopascal, Pascal, Bar, PSI, Psf, Atmosphere, Technical Atmosphere.

سرعة : Km/h, Mph, Knot, Foot/second, Metre/second.

درجة حرارة : درجة مئوية, فهرنهايت, Kelvin, Rankine, Delisle, Newton, Reaumur, Romer, Gas Mark.

وقت : Year, Month, Week, Day, ساعة, Minute, ثانيا, Millisecond, Nanoseconds.

Based on Phil Shadlyn’s open source unit converter app.

Unit Converter File Information

اسم : Quick Unit Converter
طَرد : am.unit.converter.app
إصدار :1.1
بحجم : 3.61 ميغا بايت
طورت بواسطة : Web App

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