تحميل Viu Premium APK 1.38.2 تحميل أحدث (وزارة الدفاع غير مقفلة)

A significant amount of the population favors movie applications as compared to TV because these apps give you the opportunity to choose whatever you desire to watch at any given time you want. وبالتالي, there are hundreds of thousands of such movie apps online but only a few can really deliver quality Bollywood content and Viu Premium APK is one of my favorite options that I would share with you today.

What is Viu Premium APK?

Viu Premium APK is an easy-to-use movie app that allows you to stream or even download your favourite movies, مسلسل, music and TV shows in HD quality and at no cost whatsoever. It offers users a wide variety of genres from different regions including Korea, اليابان, China, Myanmar, تايلاند, إندونيسيا, الهند, the Middle East and even Malaysia. Get the best viewing content online from all these regions.

Similar App: NetFlix Premium APK لأجهزة الأندرويد

معلومات الإصدار

اسمViu Premium
إصدار1.38.2 & 1.0.96
مطورVuclip Mobile Video
بحجم22 ميغا بايت
آخر تحديثأغسطس 11, 2020

Download Viu Premium APK Latest Version for Android

The Viu Premium APK is an advanced version of the basic one that comes for free. The only difference is that this premium app contains no ads and has all the premium features unlocked. لكن, you would need a subscribed plan to get the premium APK but you can opt to download the modified version from the link provided free of charge and enjoy all the benefits of a premium subscriber.

إصدار 1.0.96 Supports to India, Myanmar, إندونيسيا, Middle East, and Malaysia.

تحميل (1.0.96) – 22ميغابايت

إصدار 1.38.2 Supports to Hong Kong, Singapore English, Singapore Chinese, Philippines English, تايلاند

تحميل (1.38.2) – 22ميغابايت


Box Office Movies

If you’re looking for something that would make you scream or puncture your lungs with laughter, إذًا فإن قسم الأفلام يوفر لك كل احتياجاتك. كما لنفسي, أفضّل القشعريرة المبهجة لأفلام الحركة والإثارة في بوليوود والتي من شأنها أن تجعلني أضع الملصقات في جميع أنحاء غرفتي.

سواء كنت من عشاق عالم الرياضة المثير أو الأفلام الرومانسية, يمكنك العثور على كل شيء على تطبيق Viu Premium مجانًا. يوفر التطبيق أحدث الأفلام وأكثرها شعبية والتي من المؤكد أنها سترفع درجة الحرارة من حولك وتترك الفشار عاليًا وجافًا.


هناك دائمًا تلك السلسلة الخاصة التي نختارها بعناية ونعلن أنها جزء أساسي من بقائنا, بجوار الهواء والطعام الذي نتناوله أثناء مشاهدته. تقدم Viu Premium لمستخدميها أفضل العروض في صناعة بوليوود مما يضمن لك دائمًا الاطلاع على الدراما التي تدفعك إلى الجنون وأنت مستريح على أريكتك.

إن عودة سوبرمان هي مجرد واحدة من العديد من الأمثلة الرائعة لمثل هذه المسلسلات التليفزيونية التي تجعل الناس متحمسين للغاية وتسمح لهم بعيش حياة افتراضية يميلون إلى العثور عليها مثيرة للاهتمام للغاية..

النسخ الأصلية الحية

عندما لا تتمكن من تحديد ما تريد مشاهدته، ننصحك بالتوجه إلى قسم Viu Originals للحصول على بعض المساعدة الاحترافية. هنا سيتم تقديم عروض لا ينبغي أن تفوتك مثل The Bridge أو Back to Childhood. تغلب على الملل من خلال القشعريرة من بعض أفضل العروض المثيرة عبر الإنترنت واجعل قلبك يتسارع في الأدرينالين.

You would also find best of both Telegu and Tamil shows as well as romantic screening with a ‘Love is in the air’ group of films. If you’re a fan of sports the cricket corner is ready t entertain you while popular TV shows give you the most wanted by public demand. This and much more is available on the Viu Originals content.


This is one of my favorite features available on the app that allows you to pause and resume your movie or series right where you left off. Once you run the app, you would find a list of all your unfinished content under the APKFolks genre and after clicking on a show, you would immediately be taken back to the exact point you left off in the film. Never lose track of whatever you were watching because the playback feature will literally turn back time to the good old days.

Top picks and suggestions

Because you watched a certain film or show Viu Premium comes up with one of the best genre analyses for your viewing habits and provides you with exciting suggestions guaranteed to keep you happy while using the app.

The app will carefully study all the content that fascinates you, as well as the ones you gave hundreds of hearts in the form of a like and search for related content from its massive collection. If you think the fun is over just because you finished a film, the application has hundreds of more waiting specifically designed for your tastes.

Viu Events

Did you happen to miss an exciting music or comedy event that had taken you weeks or even months to plan? نحن سوف, you can relive all the exciting moments and gags with the Viu Events. Watch all the past and recent music events that attracted the hearts of many. Maybe you had already attended the event but would like to relive the amazing music effects once more, then Viu Premium APK allows you to do just that.

ايضا, be sure to burst into tears as you listen to some of the funniest standup comedians that the industry has to offer and those that Viu captured in their high moments.

Free and unlimited downloads

Download any content at high-quality standards by tapping on the download icon located below every video thumbnail. You can download anything and everything in HD quality and save it for later viewing or for re-watching.

Accurate subtitles

Movie subtitles come in English, عربي, الأندونيسية, لغة الملايو, الصينية التقليدية, Thai and even Burmese. Enjoy every film and series on the latest version of the app and use its accurate subtitles to translate every word and boost your viewing experience.

How to Install Viu Premium Mod APK on Android?

خطوة 1. أولاً, go to the download page and from there, you can download working Viu Premium Mod for Android device.

خطوة 2. حاليا, Open file manager app and find the downloaded apk file to install.

خطوة 3. Once you find that, اضغط عليها. You might be presented with the caution which says enable the unknown source to do that installation.

خطوة 4. Allow and complete the installation procedure.

خطوة 5. Open the Viu Premium Mod app.

No need to sign in to have the premium features.

If this app is not available in your country, then you should use a VPN and then pointed to the supported country. في هذا الطريق, you can use Viu in a restricted country.

Take off

Once you’re done installing the app, you are guaranteed an exciting and healthy addiction to a world of up to date movies as well as eye-catching series that would change the way you watch anything at all. Share the app with your friends and initiate them into this exciting application as you come back for more mod apps.

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