HQ is the live trivia game show with cash prizes. Every day at 9pm EST. Weekdays at 3pm EST.
Categoría: Games/Trivia
Sistema operativo: Androide
Precio: Libre
Corrección de errores y mejoras de rendimiento como siempre.,
Sede del equipo
Reseñas de usuarios/Opinión:
- The app’s video feed keeps cutting out so I get eliminated and it’s extremely frustrating to me something new I hit the right answer and it kicks me out of the game and support does nothing about it. They also don’t reply to my emails. Not sure I’m going to keep it installed much longer unless something changes.
- I’ve been happily playing HQ for months, won a few big games, happily cashed out. No problemo! Sin embargo, over the last two weeks I ran into a bit of a problem. I went on a minor winning streak that lead me to the HQ leaderboards (22Dakota del Norte, place on the weekly board). You might be asking… Why is that a problem? No, it wasn’t the stream of unknown friend requests I received, or the strange feeling that countless people could be looking at a tiny (and sideways) picture of me. It was the fact that as soon as this happened, HQ seemingly revoked my ability to claim any of the winnings I had accrued on what was previously my single most exciting and brag worthy HQ accomplishment. I immediately reached out to support, at this point (almost a week later), I’m still waiting for a response. En este punto, I can only assume that I’m never going to be able to cash out again. With that said, I always loved HQ conceptually, I would have loved it without the lure of mediocre pay-days now and then. Sin embargo, having money dangled in front of your face and then having it quickly snatched away as soon as you go on a winning streak? That ruined the HQ experience.
- Good idea for a game, have played it with friends at the pub so can be very social, only problem is sometimes just doesn’t work very well, a lot of the time can’t see the visual stream and it can break which is very annoying
HQ Trivia file information
Nombre del paquete: com.intermedia.hq
Versión: 1.16.0 (108)
Tamaño del archivo: 14 MEGABYTE
Actualizado: Agosto 8, 2018
Versión mínima de Android: Androide 5.1 (Chupete, API 22)
DOWNLOAD HQ Trivia 1.16.0 (108) APK
- DOWNLOAD HQ Trivia 1.16.0 (108) APK – 14 MEGABYTE
Versiones antiguas
Trivialidades 1.15.0
Nombre del paquete: com.intermedia.hq
Versión: 1.15.0 (107)
Tamaño del archivo: 12.5 MEGABYTE
subido: Julio 20, 2018
Versión mínima de Android: Androide 5.1 (Chupete, API 22)
HQ Trivia 1.14.4
Nombre del paquete: com.intermedia.hq
Versión: 1.14.4 (106)
Tamaño del archivo: 14.9 MEGABYTE
subido: Julio 13, 2018
Versión mínima de Android: Androide 5.1 (Chupete, API 22)
HQ Trivia 1.14.3
Nombre del paquete: com.intermedia.hq
Versión: 1.14.3 (105)
Tamaño del archivo: 14.9 MEGABYTE
subido: Julio 11, 2018
Versión mínima de Android: Androide 5.1 (Chupete, API 22)