KleptoDogs APK Descargar última versión v1.7

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From the makers of KleptoCats and for the livelihood of dog lovers everywhere, es… KLEPTODOGS!!!

Así es! GemDog returns home from his adventures with the KleptoCats in order to lead other outrageously cute pups in their quest to fill rooms with the strangest of things.

Unlock all the different breeds: pug, corgi, beagle, chihuahua, some sort of weird alien dog that shouldn’t be that shade of radioactive green, etc.. The list goes on

Alimentarlos, play with them and even dress them in the cutest clothes. You’ll have a blast hanging out with these puppy pals!!!


It’s time for some doggy panic, a “The Disco”. One new room with 100 new items to steal and 30 adorable pups to collect!

Reseñas de usuarios/Opinión:

  • Gameplay steps back, making you only send one dog at a time compared to KleptoCats 2 allowing three. New additions include dogs, their designs, new minigames, lower gem cost (250 gold coins permenantly) and collecting your dogs is also cheaper (8 gems permenantly). Definitley a good pickup if you have beaten KleptoCats 1 y 2 but if not KleptoCats 2 has the most content to dive into.
  • It is good but your dogs take less then your cats (if you have the kleptocats app) so maybe that could change
  • i love dogs but make kleptodogs and cats mixed together but make dogs and cats in the same game and make the prise to get a dog and cat lower


Versión: 1.7 (22)
Paquete: com.hyperbeard.kleptodogs
Tamaño del archivo: 55.32 MEGABYTE (58,003,291 bytes)
mínimo: Androide 4.1 (Frijol de jalea, API 16)
subido: enero 18, 2019 a 7:35SOY

Download KleptoDogs 1.7 APK

Versiones antiguas

KleptoDogs 1.6

Versión: 1.6 (21)
Paquete: com.hyperbeard.kleptodogs
Tamaño del archivo: 50.67 MEGABYTE (53,133,571 bytes)
mínimo: Androide 4.1 (Frijol de jalea, API 16)
subido: Noviembre 29, 2018 a 5:51SOY

KleptoDogs 1.5.2

Versión: 1.5.2 (20)
Paquete: com.hyperbeard.kleptodogs
Tamaño del archivo: 50.49 MEGABYTE (52,938,628 bytes)
mínimo: Androide 4.1 (Frijol de jalea, API 16)
subido:Noviembre 22, 2018 a 12:00SOY

KleptoDogs 1.5.1

Versión: 1.5.1 (19)
Paquete: com.hyperbeard.kleptodogs
Tamaño del archivo:50.46 MEGABYTE (52,913,824 bytes)
mínimo: Androide 4.1 (Frijol de jalea, API 16)
subido :Noviembre 14, 2018 a 1:37SOY

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