AlReader - هر خواننده کتاب درسی 1.751602210 آخرین نسخه APK

دانلود Alreader - هر خواننده کتاب درسی 1.751602210 APK برای موبایل اندرویدی شما, تبلت یا هر دستگاه اندرویدی از با لینک مستقیم.

Program is designed for reading fiction book.
Book reader compatible with Android 1.6+
read formats: fb2, fb3, fbz, txt, epub (no DRM), html, doc, docx, odt, rtf, mobi (no DRM), prc (PalmDoc), tcr. Supported ZIP and GZ archives.
It is possible to specify an encoding of reading file (عبارتند از 932, 936, 949, 950 code page).
Support Text-To-Speech (TTS) (permission to the calls need to stop tts while calling)
Support network libraries (OPD ها)
Local library. The selection of authors, سلسله, عنوان, publication year, genre.
Supported interface languages: russian, english, german, greek, ukrainian, belarusian, polish, chineze, bulgarian, turkish.
Supported external dictionaries.
Fb2 and TXT file editing. If a file is in an archive, edited file is unpacked to the same directory as the original one.
It is possible to select code page for file names in zip.
Correct hyphenation for 20 زبان ها.
Four profiles with independent font, رنگ, روشنایی, gamma correction and indent of text.
– یکی- and two-page mode with automatic switch to the two-page mode in landscape.
Configuring of display styles (headings, citations, abstracts, و غیره.). Each style includes font, رنگ, text style, text size, shadow, indent, spacing and so on.
– جستجو کردن.
Autoscrollwave” و “اسلاید”.
– 3D paging animation.
Initial letter to one or two lines of text at the beginning of each chapter or paragraph.
Independent setting of all items in the status bar and footer for windowed and full-screen mode.
Support for display of footnotes on the page for fb2- و (most) epub-files.
The horizontal and vertical alignment of text on the screen.
Hanging punctuation.
– “Sections from a new page” گزینه.
Navigation in the text: by percents, by pages, to the beginning/end of the text, 10 pages forward/backward, to the next/previous chapter.
Table of contents in fb2-, doc- and epub-files.
– 9 tap-zones for short and long taps, ژست ها, gestures with two fingers, resize text by “خرج کردن”, to assign the actions for buttons.
Support E-Ink screens. Adaptation of appearance for the E-Ink screens, support of “سریع” refresh for many EINK devices.
Fixation of screen rotation.
Support 9.png skins with automatic selection of one- or two-page mode.
Upon selection of embedded texture, background color is taken into account, یعنی. mix of textures and colors.
Clock behind the text.
Quotes, نشانک ها, text labeling, sending the selected text to third-party programs.
Creating shortcuts for books on the home screen.
– صرفه جویی / restore program settings / سبک ها / current profile (+فونت ها, +پوست) / text styles.
Ability to hold screen backlight (تا 20 minutes of inactivity).
Fine-tuning of various indentations, adjusting software shading of the screen (if minimal hardware brightness level is too high for comfortable use).
The program collects anonymous statistics of open books for creating the top -100 authors and books. This top -100 is available in program.
Synchronize reading position via network or file system.
کمتر نشان دادن

AlReader 1.931910270 به روز رسانی

add TTS timer (Options-Main)
many fixes


Program is designed for reading fiction book.

AlReader – Any text book reader Apk file Information

نام فایل:com.neverland.alreader.apk
آپلود شد: جولای 25, 2016 در ساعت 1:30 به وقت GMT+00
حجم فایل:6.3م
حداقل نسخه اندروید:1.6 و تا

برنامه نویس: alan.neverland

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Older Version of AlReader – Any text book reader APK

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