Google Adsense Apk نسخه 3.3 {دانلود آخرین}

The Google AdSense app provides an easy way to view key data from your AdSense and AdMob accounts. It allows you to access reporting features anywhere, directly from your mobile device. The app provides you with an account overview, as well as access to detailed performance reports on all key metrics. Available reports include: top ad units, کانال ها, sites, countries and more. The account earnings report is also accessible via a resizable widget.

لطفا توجه داشته باشید: YouTube revenue is not available in this app.

اعلامیه مجوزها
• مخاطب: Needed to access your AdSense account.

What’s new in this version of Google AdSense?

• New logo and fresh look with Google’s material design
• Custom date ranges
• New reports: ad sizes, types and networks, targeting and bid types
• New metrics: impressions, impression RPM and CTR
• Hindi and Malay translations
• رفع اشکال

اطلاعات فایل APK:

برنامه: AdSense
نسخه: 3.3 (1778382563)
اندازه: 2.93 MB (3,072,718 بایت ها)
حداقل: اندروید 4.0 (بستنی نونی, API 14)
هدف: اندروید 7.1 (نوقا MR1, API 25)

Download Google AdSense Apk Download Latest Version

دانلود مستقیم رایگان. The original and safe Google AdSense apk file without any mod.

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