Smart HDR 1.01 آخرین نسخه APK


Download Smart HDR 1.01 APK برای موبایل اندرویدی شما, تبلت یا هر دستگاه اندرویدی از با لینک مستقیم.

Smart HDR cutting-edge tone mapping engine revolutionizes digital photo enhancement, giving them an amazing and unique style. You can improve image colors, جزئیات, lighting and general aspect with a first-class HDR photographic filter or create spectacular cartoon-like effect using the toon filter. You’ll be able to obtain results similar to the most advanced desktop solutions. Try a variety of color filters designed to create impressive artistic results! Smart HDR comes with powerful image editing tools that will let you obtain the best from your photos. Apply different filters and create truly unique effects!

Smart HDR 1.01 اطلاعات فایل APK:

نام فایل: com.playpix.smarthdr.apk
نسخه: 1.01
آپلود شد: سپتامبر 11, 2016 در 14:01 PM GMT+00
حجم فایل: 34م
حداقل نسخه اندروید: 3.0 و تا

توسعه دهیدr: PlayPix

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