دانلود WoW Legion Companion 1.0.0 APK برای موبایل اندرویدی شما, تبلت یا هر دستگاه اندرویدی از AndroidFreeApks.com با لینک مستقیم.
World of Warcraft جدید: برنامه Legion Companion برای اندروید به شما امکان می دهد از زمان خود در بازی نهایت استفاده را ببرید, هر کجا که هستی.
Play World of Warcraft? The WoW Companion App lets you make the most of your time in Azeroth from wherever you are.
LEAD ADVENTURES: Send your covenant companions on adventures through the Shadowlands, all while you’re on the go. Compose your party, strategize your board layout, collect rewards from completed adventures, and keep your companions healthy for their next adventure.
TRACK WORLD QUESTS: View active World Quests, Callings objectives, and available rewards from directly within the app–then use this intel to plan your activities once you’re in-game.
STAY CONNECTED: Chat with friends in-game via the Guild and Communities feature, follow the latest World of Warcraft headlines and news articles in the News pane, and plan for raids and events in the Calendar.
BATTLE THROUGH MULTIPLE CAMPAIGNS: Organize your forces in the Shadowlands, Battle for Azeroth, Legion, and Warlords of Draenor including missions & پیروان, research trees, و بیشتر!
EXAMINE YOUR CHARACTER: Inspect your characters’ سلاح ها, زره پوش, and other character information. Keep tabs on their power and help plan which pieces of gear you want to go for next.
**To use all the features of the WoW Companion App, you must have an active World of Warcraft subscription and characters of an appropriate level. Players without an active subscription will be able to log in to the app but not select any characters.
Languages Supported:
* انگلیسی
* فرانسوی
* آلمانی
* اسپانیا (آمریکای لاتین)
* اسپانیا (Europa)
* ایتالیایی
* روسی (روسی)
* کره ای (کره ای)
* 简体中文 (چینی ساده شده)
* 繁體中文 (چینی سنتی)
© 2021 بلیزارد سرگرمی, شرکت. World of Warcraft, Warcraft, Battle.net and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, شرکت, in the U.S., and/or other countries.
اطلاعات فایل APK WoW Legion Companion:
فایل نامه: com.blizzard.wowcompanion -1.0.0.apk
نسخه: 1.0.0
آپلود شد: سپتامبر 30, 2016 در 3:10صبح به وقت GMT+00
فایل اندازه: 80.06 MB (83,944,777 بایت ها)
حداقل نسخه اندروید: اندروید 4.0.3 (ساندویچ بستنی MR1, API 15)
توسعه دهیدr: بلیزارد اینترتینمنت شرکت.
Download WoW Legion Companion v3.0.40928 APK :
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- WoW Legion Companion نسخه 3.0.40928 APK آپلود شد: سپتامبر 7, 2016