APK de sauvegarde en titane

Titanium Backup APK Latest Version

Download Titanium Backup APK v8.1.0. It is an easy-to-use and highly useful data backup application that allows you to back up your data stored on your Android devices. Titanium Backup with this application you will no longer have to rumble the ROM at any time and you will not have to reload all applications again and again. All files you back up with Titanium Backup are included in the SD card.

Download this application, and take advantage of this ease offered to you. A file you exit links messages accidentally practice of storing photographs and writings without saving or to raise your emergency possible otherwise, such closing and all without losing your given a reach again the backup application .

With Titanium Backup, time is so valuable for us to save time and effort to install applications over and over again. You can easily perform many operations such as application freezing, linking application market links, and time-saving backup, as well as application and data backup that you can use by downloading your Android devices completely free of charge.


• Added official support for Android Oreo.
• [PRO] Added the ability to backup WPA/WPA2 protected Wi-Fi networks on Android Oreo.
• Fixed “Mark as installed from Play Store” when restoring apps on Android Nougat and above.
• Major translation updates.


  • This is the standard to which all other root privileged apps that backup your device are held in comparison too. {NEED MORE BE SAID?} only reason I didn’t go pro and support the developer at this moment is because of financial difficulties at this moment.
  • It is great… Mais. It doesn’t include some important app data that may be stored in /sdcard/Android/obb that prevents some paid apps from functioning after restore. Thankfully I already knew this. So it’s not an issue for me, but it would be nice to see an option somehow to integrate this.

Titanium Backup file information

Nom du paquet: com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup
Version: 8.1.0 (397)
Taille du fichier: 7.7 Mo
Actualisé: Novembre 14, 2017
Version Android minimale: Android 1.5 (Petit gâteau, API 3)

Download Titanium Backup APK

Older Versions of Titanium Backup APK

Download Titanium Backup – root APK v8.0.1

Nom de fichier: com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup_v8.0.1-395_Android-1.5.apk
Version: 8.0.1 (395)
Téléchargé: Peut 29, 2017 à 12:11PM GMT+00
Taille du fichier: 7.67Mo (8,043,260 octets)
Version Android minimale: Android 1.5+ (Petit gâteau, API 3)

Download Titanium Backup – root APK v7.6.1

Nom de fichier: com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup_v7.6.1-390_Android-1.5.apk
Version: 7.6.1 (390)
Téléchargé: Février 19, 2017 à 7:06PM GMT+00
Taille du fichier: 7.45Mo (7,809,531 octets)
Version Android minimale: Android 1.5+ (Petit gâteau, API 3)




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