Sécurité antivirus pour tablette AVG GRATUIT Apk

Sécurité antivirus pour tablette AVG GRATUIT Apk

Protection antivirus et antivol gratuite en temps réel pour votre tablette.
L'application de sécurité pour tablette d'AVG pour Android™ vous protège contre les virus nuisibles, malware, logiciels espions et messages texte (pour les appareils compatibles SIM) et aide à protéger vos données personnelles.
Téléchargez gratuitement maintenant!

Plus de 100,000,000 des personnes ont déjà installé les applications antivirus de sécurité mobile d'AVG. Rejoignez-les maintenant et:
. Scan apps, réglages, des dossiers & media in real time for malicious apps, virus, malware and spyware
. Enable finding/locating your lost / stolen tablet via Google Maps™
. Bloquer / wipe your device to protect your privacy
. Kill tasks that slow your device
. Browse the web safely & securely and keep safe from phishing attacks
. Monitor battery, storage and data package usage
. Identifies unsecure device settings and advises how to fix them

AVG AntiVirus FREE for Tablet – mobile security software for Android. Rapide & easy protection for your tablet!

Fonctionnalités de l'application:
. Scan apps and files and remove malicious content
. Chercher, shop and use social networks with peace of mind
. Scan websites for harmful threats. If a suspicious URL is detected, you will be redirected to a “Safe Page” (applicable only to Android’s default browser and Chrome)

. Kill tasks and processes that can slow down or freeze up your device
. Monitor battery consumption, set battery level notifications and enable power saving
. Monitor traffic – keep track of your 3G /4G mobile data plan (pour les appareils compatibles SIM)
. Optimize internal and SD card storage space

Antivol & Tablet Location:
Use AVG’s remote management console or text messages (SMS; pour les appareils compatibles SIM) à:
. Locate your lost or stolen tablet and get help finding it via Google Maps™
. Lock your tablet and set a lock screen message to help the locator find you
. Make your tablet ring (shout) even if it is on silent mode
. Wipe your tablet and SD card content
. Camera Trap [30 journée d'essai]: discreetly emails you a photo of anyone who enters 3 wrong passwords when trying to unlock your tablet
. Device Lock [30 journée d'essai]: automatically locks your tablet whenever someone replaces your SIM card (pour les appareils compatibles SIM)

. Privacy status management: delete call history, clipboard content and browsing history (Chrome) and protect sensitive apps
. Verrou d'application [30 journée d'essai]: lock apps to protect your privacy and safety
. Sauvegarde d'application [30 journée d'essai]: backup apps from your device to your SD card so you can restore them whenever necessary
. Call and Message Blocker (pour les appareils compatibles SIM): protect yourself against spammers, hackers and scammers. Get warned about suspicious text messages, filter and block unwanted calls and messages (SMS Blocker isn’t available for devices with Android v4.4 and newer)
. Wipe contacts, des messages texte, Photos, historique du navigateur, calendrier, format SD card and restore device to factory settings

AVG AntiVirus for Tablet is now part of AVG Protection, our award-winning, multi-device, cyber security subscription package.
By installing/updating this app, you agree that your use of it is governed by these terms: m.avg.com/terms
Google®, Google Maps™ and Android™ are trademarks of Google, Inc., registered in the USA and in other countries


* Malware Detection Engine enhancements
* System apps can now be disabled
* App design enhancements
* Corrections de bogues
* If you enjoy our app and find it helpful, please help us by star rating it (1 star=bad – 5 stars=good). Merci pour votre aide!
* If you’re still downloading our app and haven’t used it yet, please wait before star rating it

Offert par : AVG Mobile
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Sécurité antivirus pour tablette AVG GRATUIT Apk

  • Download AVG Tablet AntiVirus Security FREE Apk – 13.8Mo
  • Get it on play store

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