Calendrier + Planner Scheduling 1.07.56 APK DERNIÈRE VERSION


Download Calendar + Planner Scheduling 1.07.56 APK pour votre mobile Android, Tablette OU tout appareil Android d' avec lien direct.

Calendrier + est un gratuit, easy to use program scheduling calendar app that helps managing calendar events and programs from your Android device easier than ever. Calendrier + automatically synchronizes with your Google accounts and displays events, programs and plans with customized views and options.

Aussi, Calendrier + provides you with the quick add feature so users can add a new event or program easily on the go. With Calendar + you too can be a productivity ninja and you will never miss your important events again, whether for your business / office events or personal events!.

Calendrier + Planner Scheduling 1.07.56 Informations sur le fichier APK:

Nom de fichier:
Version: 1.07.56
Téléchargé: Sep 16, 2016 à 12:22 PM GMT+00
Taille du fichier: 6.2M
Version Android minimale: 4.0.3 et jusqu'à

Développerr: Calendar+

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