Confiture de biscuits 5.30.119 (5030119) Dernier APK

Confiture de biscuits 5.30.119 Dernier téléchargement APK

CONFITUREZ vos cookies avant qu'ils ne s'effritent dans Cookie Jam! Saupoudré d'une touche délicieusement sucrée, ce jeu de match-3 est à la fois amusant et stimulant. Montez à bord de votre boulangerie itinérante pour embarquer dans cette nouvelle aventure de puzzle et explorez de délicieuses pâtisseries du monde entier..

Whip your way though hundreds of addictively sweet recipe-solving challenges by concocting scrumptious cookie combos. But jam, jam as fast as you can, or your batch will be ruined by the Gingerbread Man!

◆ Never-ending fun with THOUSANDS of unique levels and more to come
◆ Deliciously sweet supply of power-ups and combos
◆ Float your way through fantastical bakery islands
◆ Fun and easy game to learn, but a rewarding challenge to master

◆ Facebook connection so you can share the adventure with friends
◆ Special rewards and events all the time
◆ Seamless sync across multiple devices and platforms!


INFORMATIONS SUR LE DÉVELOPPEUR: SGN is the leading developer in truly cross-platform social gaming!


Update now and continue onto our latest world! Chef panda could use your help solving new bakery challenges!
– 20 fresh new levels on Tasty Treat Tracks!
Now with over 1,100 levels to explore and more to come!
Download now to access the latest content and get jamming!

Cookie Jam APK file Information:

Nom de fichier:
Version: 5.30.119 (5030119)
Téléchargé ici: Juillet 10, 2016 à 2:01UN M
Taille du fichier: 45.29Mo (47,493,941 octets)
Version Androïd requise: Android 2.3+ (pain d'épice, API 9)

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