Transfert de fichiers par Infinit 1.2 APK dernière version


Download File transfer by Infinit 1.2 APK pour votre mobile Android, Tablette OU tout appareil Android d' avec lien direct.

Infinit is the easiest et le plus rapide file transfer app for sending any file, of any size to your friends; and transferring large files between your own devices: téléphoner, tablet and computer.
Like WeTransfer, you can send to and share with your friends no matter where they are and like AirDrop, you can transfer files between your devices.


File transfer by Infinit apk file Information

Nom de
Version: 1.2
Téléchargé: Juillet 25, 2016 à 13h30 GMT+00
Taille du fichier: 13M
Version Android minimale: Android 4.0+ (Sandwich à la crème glacée, API 14)

Download File transfer by Infinit 1.2 APK:

  • Download File transfer by Infinit 1.2 APK-13M
  • Obtenez cette application sur Google Play

Older Version of File transfer by Infinit APK

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