Fitness Trainer FitProSport APK v4.94 DERNIÈRE VERSION

Download Fitness Trainer FitProSport 3.39 APK pour votre mobile Android, Tablette OU tout appareil Android d' avec lien direct.

Train yourself and track the progress of your friends!

The professional fitness trainer «FitProSport» includes:
– Plus que 250 simple and effective exercises for men and women
Description and animation for each exercise
Video for some exercises (the list of exercises is being enlarged)
Opportunity to add as many exercises of your own as you wish
Workout plans for men and women to perform the exercises at home or at a gym
Opportunity to add as many workout plans of your own as you wish
Opportunity to add the results of the exercise performed
Opportunity to add the results of measurement of your body

The professional fitness instructor «FitProSport» includes:
– Plus que 100 simple and effective exercises for men and women
Description and animation for each exercise
Opportunity to add as many exercises of your own as you wish
Ready-to-use workout sessions for men and women to perform the exercises at home
Opportunity to add as many workout sessions of your own as you wish


Fitness Trainer FitProSport APK file Information:

Nom de fichier: fitness.fitprosport.apk
Version: 4.94
Téléchargé: Sep 11, 2016 à 10:25 AM GMT+00 AM
Taille du fichier: 56M
Version Android minimale: 2.2 et jusqu'à

Développerr: Your personal trainer

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