Casier matériel 1.1 APK DERNIÈRE VERSION

Material Locker APK

Télécharger Material Locker 1.1 APK pour votre mobile Android, Tablette OU tout appareil Android d' avec lien direct.

Looking for the best lock screen app around ? You got it !
Material Locker is a modern slide to unlock application with a minimal concept design
that includes all you need to make your android device safe and stylish at the same time.
A must have security tool in your pocket with with a wide range of features:


Material Locker apk file Information

Nom de fichier:com.hexati.materiallockscreen.apk
Téléchargé: Juillet 24, 2016 à 22h15 GMT+00
Taille du fichier: 4.7M Version Android minimale: Android 4.0+ (Sandwich à la crème glacée, API 14)

Download Material Locker 1.1 APK:

  • Download Material Locker 1.1 APK – 4.7M
  • Obtenez cette application sur Google Play

Older Version of Material Locker APK


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