Pinterest APK

À la recherche d'idées créatives? Whether you’re planning your next big travel adventure, searching for home design concepts, looking for fashion & fitness tips or checking out new recipes, explore lifestyle inspiration on Pinterest. Good ideas start here!

Découvrez plus 100 billion possibilities for every part of your life, from new recipes and trending food images to creative design ideas. Create extra home storage space, build a DIY dog bed, find the perfect haircut and get style tips for your wedding with Pinterest.

Save ideas on Pinterest:
★ Find lifestyle inspiration & explore articles on trending and recommended topics

★ Collaborate with friends for your next group trip, party or DIY project

★ See ideas & images out in the world that you like and snap a photo with Pinterest Lens to find out how to buy/make/do them!

Discover wedding tips, beauty inspiration and design concepts for your big day. Explore thousands of recommended or trending images, get travel inspiration or read new recipes and creative food ideas for your next dinner party. With fitness tips, interesting DIY projects to try out and tons of great fashion, style & beauty tips, Pinterest keeps all of your lifestyle inspiration in one place.

You never know what sparks a great design idea or when inspiration for your next DIY project might strike.

Get inspired from anywhere on the internet. Save your ideas, organize them by topic and share with others – all from your pocket!

Get ideas for the topics you care about most:
Home design, architecture & DIY
Creative wedding tips
– Voyager, aptitude & beauté
Fashion and style inspiration
– Aliments, new recipes & cuisine

Download Pinterest to start exploring possibilities for your next DIY or home design project.


Every week we polish up the Pinterest app to make it faster and better than ever. Tell us if you like this newest version at

Avis d'utilisateurs / Opinion:

  • After the update, I haven’t been able to download the pictures and the only choice left is to mostly screen shot it. Please Pinterest, I would want to save the pictures. It’s very time consuming and also space consuming to screen shot and crop the pictures. Please fix this problem.
  • I don’t know how to save pictures to the camera roll anymore. I really like having that and now I don’t know how. Aussi, I don’t like how it constantly automatically refreshes!!!!!!!!!! I want to manually refresh. Pinterest is my favorite app, I check it multiple times a day and I love it so much I just don’t like how it always refreshes in its own. Other than those things it’s still fabulous.
  • hi pinterest.. i wanna make complain.. why after update the app ,i can not save the image? i try to uninstall and reinstall but the result is still the same.. cannot save the photo like usual.. please fix it.. i use asus zenfone 3max please help me. i don’t understand
  • I used to download memes from it but it stopped letting me. I can still save things to my boards and share with friends that way. But that’s the only reason I keep the app on my phone

Pinterest 6.88.0 (bras-v7a) (Android 4.4+) INFORMATIONS SUR LE DOSSIER

Version: 6.88.0 (688122)

Forfait: com.pinterest

Taille du fichier: 21.99 Mo (23,059,959 octets)

Min: Android 4.4 (Kit-Kat, API 19)

Téléchargé: Octobre 31, 2018

DOWNLOAD Pinterest 6.88.0 (bras-v7a) (Android 4.4+) APK

Anciennes versions

Pinterest 6.87.0 (bras-v7a) (Android 4.4+)

Version: 6.87.0 (687122)
Forfait: com.pinterest
Taille du fichier: 21.92 Mo (22,988,250 octets)
Min: Android 4.4 (Kit-Kat, API 19)
Téléchargé: Octobre 30, 2018 à 1:33UN M

Pinterest 6.86.0 (bras-v7a) (Android 4.4+)

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