Download Pokemon GO 0.29.3 APK pour votre mobile Android, Tablette OU tout appareil Android d' avec lien direct.
Pokémon ALLER est le premier grand jeu dans le Pokémon la franchise débarque enfin sur Android. Et c'est ici entre les mains de Niantic - les développeurs d'Ingress - avec un titre qui a réussi à combiner toute la magie originale de ces classiques de Nintendo, avec les meilleures idées de sa version initiale. Le résultat final: une aventure où vous aurez besoin de sortir et de vous déplacer si ce que vous voulez vraiment, c'est devenir un vrai Pokémon entraîneur.
Any user who’s ever played Ingress before will instantly already know what you’ll need to do and will immediately understand what the real idea is behind Pokémon ALLER. Those of you who haven’t been on Ingress won’t have too many issues either. Basically the game converts your city into a colossal video game scene where you’ll get to interact. Thanks to GPS on your Android, your avatar within the game will move along with you wherever you aller, that way you’ll need to get outside in order to capture Pokémon.
Are you close to a beach or river? It’s a good idea to check out those areas specifically in order to find a water Pokémon. Do you need a plant Pokémon for your collection? Maybe it’s time to have a picnic. De la même manière, whenever you visit PokeStops, which are usually located at interesting places like museums, art galleries, and historical sites you’ll be able to gain new items. It’s here at these PokeStops where you’ll also be able to buy pokeballs and restock before facing off against a rival trainer.
Pokémon ALLER is an excellent RPG for exploring on Android. It’s great in every sense of the word. The game is well optimized, has an elegant interface and fantastic graphics. Mais, le plus important, is that it has a ton of Pokémon just waiting to be caught.
By Erika Okumura
10 essential apps for Pokemon Go trainersWe’re not here today to talk your ear off on how important Pokemon GO is in the press these days. Cela étant dit, thanks to its massive success, many developers have taken it upon themselves to jump on the bandwagon creating external apps that add extra features and functions to the game. Either by taking over for its lack of an official chat service, or by providing a radar to track rare Pokemon sightings or even a calculator that tells you how far you can level up and evolve a given Pokemon. We’ll get straight to the point, these are the top 10 most useful side apps for Pokemon that we’ve found.
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Informations sur le fichier apk Pokemon GO:
Nom de fichier: pokemongo_0.29.3-2016071800.apk
Version: 0.29.3 (2016071800)
Téléchargé: Juillet 21, 2016 à 1:07UN M
Taille du fichier: 58.06 Mo
Version Android minimale: Android 4.4 (Kit-Kat, API 19)
Download Pokemon GO APK v0.29.3:
- Télécharger Pokémon ALLER 0.119.1 APK – 58.06Mo
- Obtenez Pokémon GO sur Google Play
Ancien Pokemon GO APK disponible:
- Pokémon GO APK v0.229.2 Télécharger 2025 DERNIÈRE VERSION téléchargé: Juin 21, 2017
- Pokémon GO 0.41.2 (2016101000) APK téléchargé: Octobre 3, 2016
- Pokémon GO 0.39.1 (2016092300) APK téléchargé: Septembre 26, 2016
- Pokémon GO 0.39.0 (2016092100)) APK téléchargé: Septembre 20, 2016
- Pokémon GO 0.37.1 (2016091503) apk téléchargé: Septembre 17, 2016
- Pokémon GO 0.41.3 (2016101100) APK téléchargé: Septembre 12, 2016
- Pokémon GO 0.35.0 (2016082200) apk téléchargé: Août 23, 2016
- Pokémon GO 0.31.0 (2016073000) APK téléchargé: Août 15, 2016