Turbo: Note financière & Rapport de crédit gratuit APK Télécharger v3.0.1 Dernière version

Download Turbo: Note financière & Free Credit Report APK Download Latest version for free here for your android phone or tablet

Turbo Key Features:

● Discover Your Credit Score: Check your credit score for free with Turbo. Learn your VantageScore credit score, directly pulled from TransUnion. Checking your credit report won’t affect your scores.

● Free Credit Report: With Turbo, you can access your free credit report. Take a look at your credit utilization, the types of credit you have, and your payment history, and learn where you fall on the VantageScore credit scoring range.

● 2/47 Credit Monitoring: Stay up-to-date with 24/7 free credit monitoring. Turbo keeps you tuned into the state of your financial health, and sends alerts to help you spot identity theft and fraud.

● See Your Debt and Income in One Place: With Turbo, you can gain insight into the important numbers behind your financial health in one central location. See your verified income, debt-to-income ratio, and credit score on a single dashboard.

● Personalized Advice: Turbo is more than a credit score app. Turbo provides personalized advice and tips based on your financial numbers. Whether you have bad credit or good credit, gaining insight into your current financial health may help you work towards a brighter future.

● Smart Tools Do the Math for You: Unleash the power of your credit score and learn what you may qualify for today. Based on your tax data and credit report, discover what you might be able to afford now or in the future, whether you’re applying for a mortgage, auto loan, or personal loan.

● 100% Libre: Turbo is 100% GRATUIT à utiliser. Check your credit score for free, learn more about your debt-to-income ratio, and discover your verified incomewithout spending a dime. We won’t upsell you, and we won’t ask you for any of your credit card info.

● We value your security: Turbo works hard to safeguard your information by encrypting all of your data stored in our systems.

Turbo is designed to help you unlock your financial potential. With free tools and expert knowledge, Turbo may be able to help you make the best financial decisions for your future. Try Turbo today and discover new ways to save.

*Credit reporting provided by TransUnion. There are various types of credit scores, and lenders use a variety of scores to make lending decisions. The credit score provided by Turbo may not be the specific credit score used by your lender.

Avis d'utilisateurs / Opinion:

  • Doesn’t work on the note 8. Stuck on the loading screen then says it can’t be displayed at this time. Then I reload it just to see the same message again. Fix the app please!
  • I think this is a very good app. The only thing I would really like to see is credit score tracking. Instead of only showing me my current score, show me how it changed from last month and over the last few years. Maybe adding reasons why my credit score changed would be a nice addition.
  • Horrible can’t get past verifying myself who are you to tell me who I am. Logged on and verified no problem on a computer 5 minutes before.
  • TurboTax sent me a message that some new account was opened and then when I try to go to see what account they’re talking about it sent me to download their app I downloaded their app and then I can’t find what account they’re talking about can’t even find an option

Turbo: Note financière & Free Credit Report 3.0.1 INFORMATIONS SUR LE DOSSIER

Version: 3.0.1 (1030001)
Forfait: com.intuit.turbo
Taille du fichier: 23.04 Mo (24,159,926 octets)
Min: Android 5.0 (Sucette, API 21)
Téléchargé: Janvier 18, 2019 à 8:06UN M

Download Turbo: Note financière & Free Credit Report 3.0.1


Anciennes versions

Turbo: Note financière & Free Credit Report 3.0.0 (Android 5.0+)

Version: 3.0.0 (1030000)
Forfait: com.intuit.turbo
Taille du fichier: 23.04 Mo (24,159,926 octets)
Min: Android 5.0 (Sucette, API 21)
Téléchargé: Janvier 17, 2019 à 11:59UN M

Turbo: Note financière & Free Credit Report 2.15.0 (Android 5.0+)

Version: 2.15.0 (1021500)

Forfait: com.intuit.turbo

Taille du fichier:22.98 Mo (24,097,511 octets)

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