You are downloading Walking Dead: Route vers la survie APK.
Les morts-vivants: Road to Survival is the definitive Walking Dead strategy game, Présenté par Robert Kirkman, Créateur de la série de bandes dessinées Walking Dead.
Build your team of Survivors and develop battle strategies to lead them into battle in an uncompromising story, fraught with danger. Fight for survival against walkers and humans alike, using strategy to attack enemy weak points and deep RPG progression to decide your path. Build a town to keep the walkers at bay, but be warned – The horrors that lurk outside aren’t the only threat, and your decisions are all that stand between life and death.
Basé sur une toute nouvelle histoire de l'écrivain primé de Walking Dead, Jay Bonansinga., the dark aesthetic of this game reflects the uncompromising decisions you will need to make as you strategize for survival.
Tenez-vous avec Michonne, Rick et d'autres survivants de The Walking Dead, and join the epic battle against the darkest enemies from the Governor to Negan.
Walking Dead file Information
Nom de fichier: com.scopely.headshot_v3.3.2.46067-246067410_Android-4.0.3.apk
Version: (246067410)
Téléchargé: Mars 23, 2017 à 2:21PM GMT+00
Taille du fichier: 12.86Mo (13,483,080 octets)
Version Android minimale: Android 4.0.3+ (Sandwich à la crème glacée, API 15)
MD5: c49ff49899e2ff44909c688a93d98237
SHA1: 8ace51430439edd1344ed5ad315f09791fbed0e8
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