Portée, les créateurs de la série de bandes dessinées Walking Dead, brought this conclusively RPG game in which you have to survive by quarreling against the zombies that spread throughout the city. To attack your opponents from their weak points, you have to build up your survivors and make strategies to decide your path. Shape your town to keep zombies at the boundary but be a deterrent. Your decisions will be responsible for life or death.
Walking Dead is a great game with awesome graphics. The dark aesthetic of this game mirrors the determined decisions you will need to make as you strategize for survival and also provides options to select different time zones to fight against threats. With established teams, you will create a safe zone, protect the region and create a livable city. You can customize your city by changing graphics, a workshop for craft things, change weapons to enhance battle strength.
You are downloading Walking Dead: Road to Survival Latest APK
Les morts-vivants: Road to Survival is the definitive Walking Dead strategy game, Présenté par Robert Kirkman, Créateur de la série de bandes dessinées Walking Dead.
Build your team of Survivors and develop battle strategies to lead them into battle in an uncompromising story, fraught with danger. Fight for survival against walkers and humans alike, using strategy to attack enemy weak points and deep RPG progression to decide your path. Build a town to keep the walkers at bay, but be warned – The horrors that lurk outside aren’t the only threat, and your decisions are all that stand between life and death.
What’s new in this version of Walking Dead?
- All New Login Calendar will let you collect valuable rewards with each day you log in!
- Your survivor’s town can now be decorated for different seasons or special events!
- Multiple bug fixes have been implemented with this release. A full list can be found on the official Road to Survival Blog!
Informations sur les fichiers APK de marche à pied
- Nom du paquet: com.scopely.headshot
- Version: (398424410)
- Taille du fichier: 30.7 Mo
- Téléchargé: Octobre 22, 2021
- Version Android minimale: Android 4.4 (Kit-Kat, API 19)
- PPP de l'écran: nodpi
- Architecture: armeabi-v7a
Télécharger Walking Dead: Road to Survival APK v3.2:
- Download APK from secure server >> Taille du fichier: 30Mo
- Faire marcher mort de Google Play
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