Kotak Peralatan Lengkap (Pembersih) V8.2.0 APK Versi Terbaru

More about All-In-One Toolbox

All-In-One Toolbox is a set of basic useful tools which help your Android device work at its best. It offers about 29 different tools that you can use to keep your Android working in good condition. All-In-One Toolbox gives a collection of tools such as a junk cleaner, history eraser, penambah kecepatan, memory optimizer, pengoptimal baterai, Pendingin CPU, manajer aplikasi, file manager, mini launcher just to name a few to maintain good performance for your Android.

It is also compatible with a lot of plug-ins like app lock, penguat permainan, volume settings and so much more. Which you can always have your Android working the best that it can.

Show Phone Storage Status

Just open the app, you can see the status of your phone. How much RAM runs, how much ROM occupied and what is the CPU temperature? Keeping track of your RAM and internal storage space make you understand better of your phone.

Clean up clutters, free up storage space, speed up slow performance, extend battery life, organize installed apps, manage stored files, melindungi privasi…

You’ve got the right appAll-In-One Toolbox will do all above jobs for you, dan banyak lagi.

All-In-One Toolbox will be your best phone junk cleaner, history eraser, penambah kecepatan, performance booster, memory optimizer, pengoptimal baterai, manajer aplikasi, file manager, mini launcher and privacy guarder.

All-In-One Toolbox aims to bring you more membersihkan, cepat, cerdas mobile experience on Android.

Fitur Utama:
Clean up Android with 1 Mengetuk
Scan all useless hidden junks like app cache, residual files, empty folders, app leftover, similar pictureswith amazing fast speed and remove them all out of phone with one single tap. Our users can free up 1-10 GB space daily to save more new pictures, install more new apps or games.
[baru] Pembersih WhatsApp: clean up hidden chatting junk files saved in WhatsApp
[baru] Duplicate Photo cleaner: clean up similar pictures to save space
[baru] Duplicate Files Cleaner: clean out redundant files

Speed up Android with 1 Klik
Stopping unnecessary system running tasks with one simple click to boost phone speed quickly. Strongly recommend you to try this feature when phone is slow, lagging, or get system low memory warnings.

Pendingin CPU
A killer feature for hotting and overheating devices. It decreases temperature of CPU by closing process.

Manajer Aplikasi

  • Batch Installer & Uninstaller: Bulk operate several apps at a time. Root required for silent batch operation.
  • App2sd: Move apps from device internal storage to external SD card.
  • Cadangan & Memulihkan: Backup installed apps or re-install them after restoring device from factory reset.
  • System Uninstall: Root required. This option is very useful in phones containing useless factory/manufacture apps(bloatwares).
  • Boot Speedup: Root required. Disable user or system apps to start at the time of booting. This feature will shorten starting time when device is switched on.

Additional tools

  • 29+ system tools available in All-In-One Toolbox, all essential for your ease and wonderful Android experience.
    Lock App Plugin -Protect your personal stuff from friends and guard your privacy.
  • Auto task plug-in: cache and junk file clean, silent mode, mode pesawat, and wifi management at set intervals automatically.
  • Boost Game Plugin-Boost games at its launch to give you more fun and speed.
  • QR and Barcode Scanner: quick scanning and info collecting.
  • Quick settings: offer easy access to the.
  • Manage Notification Plugin-Hide unimportant notifications from Notification bar.

Startup Customize: Customize apps you want to start with system boot.

Manajer File
Check which kind of files stored on external SD card and provide a list of options to manage them. Files will sorted by categories (galeri, musik, video, aplikasi, file) or directories.

Easy Swipe
A smart float widget and a mini launcher to quick access to AIO tools, favorite apps and used apps. Easy Swipe stays hidden on apps or phone home screen and appears when you want and swipe it.

Manajer Pemberitahuan
Hide annoying app notifications from Android status bar. Blocked messages will be saved together in one place for later check or clean.

Pengisian Cerdas
Boost charge speed, save you more time.

Available PluginsThe Virtual Swiss Army Knife for Android
Kunci aplikasi: Encrypt apps with a password or pattern, for example your contacts, Facebook, Twitter, ada apa, Gmail…
Ads detectoranalyze mobile ads SDK integrated in installed apps
Permission checklist permissions other apps required
Penguat Permainanboost gaming speed to give players more fun
Auto taskset timing cache cleaning, silent mode, airplane mode or Wi-Fi management task
Quick settingsfast access to system settings
Volume settingsprovide one-click system volume setup
Sensor box: show all available sensors on your Android for fun
QR & Barcode scanner


【New】Add Junk Record (accessible from Menu or Homepage-total junks)

【Improvement】Smart Charge feature enhanced

【Improvement】App2sd feature enhanced

【Improvement】Complete translation of Arabic, Azerbaijan, bahasa Albania, Benggala, Bulgarian, Burmese, Kroasia, Belanda, Jerman, Hongaria, Lithuania, Polandia, Orang Spanyol, Orang Slovakia, and Turkish.

All-In-One Toolbox Apk file Information

  • Nama paket: imoblife.toolbox.full
  • Versi: kapan: v8.2.0(150304)
  • Ukuran file: 11.8 MB
  • Diperbarui: November 4, 2021
  • Versi Android minimal: Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean, API 16)
  • DPI layar: mengangguk
  • Arsitektur: lengan64-v8a

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