Unduh APK Foto Google v8.4.300 2025 Terbaru

Selengkapnya tentang Google Kamera

Google terus meluncurkan aplikasi keren untuk merayu para pesaingnya. One such app that came out recently is the Google Camera app. Aplikasi ini diluncurkan baru-baru ini dan telah diinstal sebelumnya di perangkat Nexus terbaru. Anda juga bisa mendapatkannya jika ponsel Anda mendukung Android 10.

Aplikasi ini hadir dengan lima mode kamera. Ini termasuk Mode Panorama, Mode fotosfer, Mode Kamera biasa, Modus Video, dan mode Lens Blur terbaru. Pengguna dapat mengubah mode Google Camera kapan saja dengan menggeser ke kanan dari mana saja dan mode akan meluncur keluar dari sisi kiri. Ingin melihat foto yang telah Anda ambil? cukup geser jari Anda ke kiri dan itu akan membuka foto Anda yang terakhir diambil.

Google Photos APK Latest Version

Google Photos is a new photo gallery from Google, made for the way you take photos today. Your photos and videos will be automatically backed up and organized, so you can find and share them fasterand never run out of space on your phone.

Akhirnya, a photos app that’s as smart as you.


Back up unlimited photos and videos for free in High Quality. Access them from any device and photos.google.comyour photos are safe, aman, and private to you.


Never worry about running out of space on your phone again. Photos that are safely backed up can be removed from your device’s storage in just a tap.


Your photos are now searchable by the people, places and things in themno tagging required.


Get automatically created movies, kolase, animasi, panoramas, and more from your photos. Or easily create them yourself. You can also now store, melihat, and share photos with motion.


Use the intuitive and powerful editing tools to enhance your photos and bring them to life. Adjust lighting, kontras, warna, and vignette, or pick from 14 innovative photo filters to make your pictures look great in one tap.


Tell better stories, without the work. Automatically get a new album with just your best shots after an event or trip, then invite others to add their photos.


Don’t waste data texting and emailing photos. Instantly share photos with any contact, surel, or phone number, right from the app.


Share without sharing. Grant a trusted person access to some of your photos, like just the ones they’re in.


It’s easier than ever to relive your memories. Get collages of photos you took a year ago on this dayperfect for #tbt.


View your photos and videos on your TV with Chromecast support.

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/GooglePhotos

Google+: https://google.com/+GooglePhotos

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Face grouping is not available in all countries.

Camera app Features:

  • Switch quickly between video and photo mode with a quick swipe to the right.
  • Membuat efek fotografi yang memukau dengan mudah dan beralih di antara mode foto (seperti Lens Blur, Sudut Lebar, Panorama, dan Foto 360°) dari menu kiri atas.
  • Google Kamera otomatis mendeteksi saat HDR+ (Rentang Dinamis Tinggi + Cahaya redup) harus digunakan untuk mengambil foto yang bagus dalam cahaya redup dan adegan dengan cahaya latar di Nexus 6, Nexus 5X, dan Nexus 6P.
  • Record slow-motion videos in 120fps on the Nexus 5X and up to 240fps on the Nexus 6P.
  • Tahan tombol rana pada Nexus 6P untuk mengambil aliran foto secara otomatis dan membuat GIF secara otomatis.


Like shared photos and albums
• Look out for the ♥️icon when viewing a shared album or photo.Mark photos as your favorites
• Rolling out this week, tap the ⭐️ button to mark a photo as a favorite.


  • Love Google Photos. Automatic cloud backup is great, I really love the ease of accessing photos from any device and the peace of mind that they are backed up if anything ever happens to my phone. The assistant is awesome, the stylized photos are magic.
  • Awesome for pic editing and video creation

Google Photos Apk file information

  • Nama paket: com.google.android.GoogleCamera
  • Versi: kapan: 8.4.300.411896890.15 (64764781)
  • Ukuran file: 118.9 MB
  • Diperbarui: Desember 1, 2021
  • Versi Android minimal: Android 12 (API 31)
  • DPI layar: mengangguk
  • Arsitektur: lengan64-v8a

Download Google Photos APK Latest

OLD VERSIONS of Google Photos APK

  • Unduh Google Foto 3.24 APK
  • DOWNLOAD GOOGLE PHOTOS v1.19.0.120877342 (203299) APK :

    Nama file: com.google.android.apps.photos_v1.19.0.120877342-203299_Android-4.0.apk
    Versi: kapan: (203299)
    Diunggah: April 29, 2016 pada 10:50PM GMT+00
    Ukuran file: 21.02MB (22,038,208 byte)
    Versi Android minimal: Android 4.0+ (Sandwich Es Krim, API 14)

    DOWNLOAD GOOGLE PHOTOS v1.27.0.131643699 (419395) APK :

    Nama file: com.google.android.apps.photos_v1.27.0.131643699-419395_Android-4.1.apk
    Versi: kapan: (419395)
    Diunggah: September 1, 2016 pada 10:36PM GMT+00
    Ukuran file: 28.61MB (29,995,973 byte)
    Versi Android minimal: Android 4.0+ (Sandwich Es Krim, API 14)

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