Automate 1.4.0 APK VERSI TERBARU


Download Automate 1.4.0 APK untuk Ponsel Android Anda, Tablet ATAU perangkat Android apa pun dari dengan tautan langsung.

Mengotomatiskan berbagai tugas di smartphone atau tablet Android Anda. Buat otomatisasi Anda dengan flowscharts, secara otomatis mengubah pengaturan seperti Bluetooth, GPS, Wifi, NFC or perform actions like sending SMS, e-mail, based on your location, the time of day or any other triggered event. You can automate almost everything, Automate even supports plug-in made for Tasker and Locale.
“Supercharge Android’s abilities” — Gizmodo

“It has a stellar interface” — Phone Arena

“The app impressed us with it’s execution” — The Android Soul
Logical fun
You edit flowcharts, just add blocks and connect the dots to create your automated tasks.


Automate 1.4.0 Informasi file APK:

Nama file: com.llamalab.automate.apk
Versi: kapan: 1.4.0
Diunggah: September 26, 2016 pada 14:45 PM GMT+00
Ukuran file: 4.4M
Versi Android minimal: 4.0 dan naik

Kembangkanr: LlamaLab

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