Skype v6.33.0.575 (102826559) APK

Skype APK Download
Unduh skype (102498814) APK untuk Ponsel Android Anda, Tablet ATAU perangkat Android apa pun dari dengan tautan langsung.

Skype membuat dunia berbicara. Ucapkan “halo” dengan pesan instan, panggilan suara atau video—semuanya gratis, tidak peduli di perangkat apa mereka menggunakan Skype.

• Talk face to face with a video call.
• New group video calls with up to 25 rakyat.
• Free voice calls to anyone else on Skype. Add up to 25 people on a group call.
• Message your friends in an instant and add up to 300 people to a group chat.
• Call mobiles and landlines at low rates (Skype to Skype calls are always free).
• Bagikan foto, video messages, your location and add emoticons and Mojis to your chat.
• Skype’s available on smartphones, tablet, PC, and Macs. Now it’s even easier to stay connected to friends and family – no matter the device they’re on.

Skype APK file Information:

Pengembang: Skype
Developer website: Visitwebsite

Versi: kapan: (102826559) (Stabil)
Diunggah di sini: 09:52:10 – 05/23/2016
Mengajukan ukuran: 39.38MB (41,294,708 byte)
Versi Android diperlukan : Android 4.0.3+ (Sandwich Es Krim, API 15)

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