Download Battery Turbo – Fast Charger 3.7 APK per il tuo cellulare Android, Tablet O qualsiasi dispositivo Android da con collegamento diretto.
Battery Turbo Charger is the perfect app if you want to reduce the waiting time for Battery Charging and make a Fast Charger.
Allows three charging modes which increase the loading speed of your battery, which are responsible for disabling applications and processes that are not necessary when you want a fast charge.
Charge Modes are:
– Modalità estrema: You can increase up to 40 % the speed of Battery Charge.
– Fast Mode : Increases the speed by up to 28 % , recommended if you want to stay connected to WiF
Batteria Turbo – Caricabatterie rapido 3.7 Informazioni sul file APK:
Nome del file:
Versione: 3.7
Caricato: sett 16, 2016 a 13:17 PM GMT+00
Dimensione del file: 3.6M
Versione Android minima: 4.0 e su
Svilupparer: MobileStudios
Download Battery Turbo – Fast Charger 3.7 APK:
- Download Battery Turbo – Fast Charger 3.7 APK – 3.6M
- Installa da Google Play Store
Older Version of Battery Turbo – Fast Charger 3.7 APK disponibile:
- Batteria Turbo – Caricabatterie rapido 3.7 APK ULTIMA VERSIONE caricato: settembre 16, 2016