Registro delle modifiche Droid v3.7.4 Apk

Changelog Droid Apk

L'app non è attualmente mantenuta. C'è un (È improbabile che venga risolto) Emissione con app a pagamento. Per favore, non contattarmi a questo proposito.

Are you tired of going through every updated application on the Play Store to see what the developer has changed? Changelog Droid solves this problem by fetching all the information directly from the Play Store after or before you update them.

Stay up to date!
Changelog Droid will check the Play Store in the background and notify you when updates are available.

The better wishlist!
Add apps that you haven’t installed by simply sharing them from the Play Store to Changelog Droid and keep track of updates without wasting storage space.

All kinds of useful!
Use Changelog Droid to launch or uninstall apps, open the system’s info page or go directly to the Play Store to update your apps.

Build a history!
Changelog Droid will build a complete version history so you can keep track of every change made to your apps.
Caratteristiche principali:

All the recent changes directly from the Play Store
Update notification and manual update check
Version history containing all changelogs
Observe apps that you don’t have installed
Blacklist apps that you don’t want to update
Quick Search for all of your apps
DashClock extension

Check out the Premium Version without ads and with cool Themes!


Because there is no official API for the Play Store Changelog Droid may not find some of the available updates. Please try theIntense Checkoption to increase the results.

If error should occur, please contact me instead of giving a negative rating.

If you would like to help translating Changelog Droid to your language, si prega di visitare


Internet: Access the Play Store
Access Network State: Check connection status.
– Ottieni account, Use Credentials, Manage Accounts: Get authentication token for the Google account, required for accessing the Play Store
Receive Boot Completed: Registering background service for update checking.
Wake Lock: Assure that internet is connected when checking for updates in background.
Google Services: Obtain Android ID automatically
– Vibrare: Vibrate for notifications
– Archiviazione esterna: Import/Export


Sync your Google Play wishlist with your observed apps
Some system apps are shown per default
– Varie. UI changes
Serbian translation (Grazie!)
– Molte correzioni di bug
Crash fixes
Changelog Droid Apk 1

Registro delle modifiche Droid v3.7.4 Apk

  • Download Changelog Droid v3.7.4 Apk – 1.6mb
  • Installa dal Play Store

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