Daff Moon Phase APK


Download Daff Moon Phase 2.3 APK per il tuo cellulare Android, Tablet O qualsiasi dispositivo Android da AndroidFreeApks.com con collegamento diretto.

This application displays current Moon phase, Moon phases for any month and other real-time information about the Moon, the Sun and all other major planets.

The Moon phase image is drawn with high accuracy for any date and time. All data is calculated based on user’s location (geographic coordinates) and a specified point in time.

This App is absolutely free and contains no ads. If you like it, per favore, don’t forget to rate it!



Daff Moon Phase 2.3 Informazioni sul file APK

Nome del file: com.dafftin.android.moon_phase.apk
Versione: 2.3
Caricato: settembre 6, 2016 a 01:25 PM GMT+00
Dimensione del file: 2.6MB
Versione Android minima: Androide 2.2 e su

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