Città del Drago 4.9.1 APK

Download Dragon City Latest Version 4.9.1 per Android

(4.5/5 valutazione media su Google Play di 4,998,000 utenti)

Diventa il maestro del drago finale! Costruisci la tua città sulle isole galleggianti e riempila di fattorie, Habitat, buildings and dragons! Allena i tuoi bambini carini e evolveli in bestie impressionanti che ti difenderanno in battaglia.

Breeding is essential in Dragon City: Combine dragons of Fire, Natura, Legend and lots of other elements to hatch rare hybrids and expand your collection. You can also obtain dragons from exclusive events!


Complete the Dragon Book! Ci sono oltre 500 dragons to breed and collect.
New dragons join the game every week through breeding events and special islands.
Build a beautiful city of fantasy for other players to see when they visit you!
Fight against other Dragon Masters in the Leagues and challenge yourself at the Tournaments!
Unlock advanced features like the Ancient World and the Guardian Dragons.
Be social: You can help your friends, visit them and send them gifts!

You can log in with Facebook to save your game and play on all your devicesThat way you can take your baby dragons everywhere.

Ci sono oltre 80 million Dragon Masters. Che cosa state aspettando? Join the fun!

If you already love our dragons Drop us a nice review 🙂

Dragon City is FREE to download and FREE to play. Tuttavia, puoi acquistare oggetti in-app con denaro reale. Se desideri disabilitare questa funzione, si prega di disattivare gli acquisti in-app nelle Impostazioni del telefono o del tablet.

Seguici su Twitter: @DragonCityGame
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Check out other cool games by the creators of Dragon City: Monster Legends and World Chef!


Happy days in Dragon City! The new version brings you:
Brand new Dragon Book and Collections: A fresh new look and exclusive rewards for completing the brand new collections!
New Community section in the Settings screen: Access our YouTube channel, Cinguettio, the Dragon City Facebook page and our forums! Community interaction made easy
New dragon info screen: All you need to know about each dragon is now gathered in a cool new information screen
General polishing and improvements

Informazioni sui file di Dragon City

Nome del file: es.socialpoint.DragonCity_v4.9.1-1703231240_Android-4.0.3.apk
Versione: 4.9.1 (1703231240)
Caricato: Marzo 27, 2017 a 12:56AM GMT+00 AM
Dimensione del file: 76.64MB (80,360,448 byte)
Versione Android minima: Androide 4.0.3+ (Panino gelato, API 15)
MD5: cb46ec57891f099333ba110d459cd789
SHA1: ff55d855231ce6ca844a1b4572398f8264a87d2b

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