Scarica duo mobile 3.12.1 APK per il tuo cellulare Android, Tablet O qualsiasi dispositivo Android da con collegamento diretto.
Duo Mobile works with Duo Security’s two-factor authentication service to make logins more secure. The application generates passcodes for login and can receive push notifications for easy, one-tap authentication.
Inoltre, you can use Duo Mobile to manage two-factor authentication for other application and web services that make use of passcodes.
Duo Mobile 3.12.1 Informazioni sul file APK:
Nome del file: com.duosecurity.duomobile.apk
Versione: 3.12.1
Caricato: sett 11, 2016 a 10:42AM GMT+00 AM
Dimensione del file: 9.9M
Versione Android minima: 2.3.3 e su
Svilupparer:Duo Security, Inc.
Scarica duo mobile 3.12.1 APK :
- Scarica duo mobile 3.12.1 APK – 9.9M
- Installa da Google Play
Older Version of Duo Mobile 3.12.1 APK disponibile:
- Duo Mobile 3.12.1 APK ULTIMA VERSIONE caricato: settembre 11, 2016