Scarica APK con addebito gratuito v8.4.2|Ultima versione

Free Charge APK Download: Go cashless with Freecharge. You can pay mobile, gas, elettricità, landline, bollette della banda larga, do mobile, DTH & metro card recharges, make charity donations, do Google Play recharges, invest in mutual funds, get easy credit through Freecharge EMI.

Shop at your favorite brands & pay with Freecharge across categories like movies, intrattenimento, food, shopping, travel to get cashback & sconti, buy DEALS starting at ₹1, inviare & receive money in an instant, create BHIM UPI ID & link bank account for instant fund transfer. In questo articolo, impareremo come scaricare, installare, and operate the Free Charge APK application.

FreeCharge APK

Di: Freecharge is a money transferring app that acts as a virtual wallet. Headquartered in Gurugram, Haryana, FreeCharge is a digital marketplace for financial services and products. FreeCharge services are available across a range of financial instruments including savings, payments, insurance, investment, and lending.

Disclaimer: Tutte le app fornite sono raccolte dalle rispettive fonti. non si assume alcuna responsabilità per l'utilizzo dell'app da parte dell'utente. Si prega di utilizzare l'app secondo le regole del proprio Paese.

FreeCharge App Screenshots:

Free Charge Apk Features

1. UPI Payments: With Freecharge UPI powered by Axis Bank, you can now set up your ‘@freecharge’ UPI ID with all your existing bank accounts. You can send money by entering recipient’s UPI ID or bank account + IFSC code, request money, pay at online & offline brands, scansione & pay or request money through UPI enabled QR codes. You can also conveniently pay for recharges and bills using your UPI handle.

2. Mobile Recharges: Prepaid recharges and post-paid bill payments available for all leading Indian telecom providers like Airtel, Vodafone, Idea, Reliance Jio & others with exciting cashback offers.

3. Pagamenti delle fatture: Pay your electricity, DTH, data card, landline, broadband, and gas bills all under one roof.

4. Metro Card RechargesTop up your Mumbai Metro smart card easily with Freecharge.

5. Google Play Recharges: Get Google Play recharge codes on Freecharge.

6. Donare: Support a cause that is close to your heart by donating on Freecharge with ease.

7. Mutual Funds: Now you can invest in tax saving Mutual Funds using Freecharge.

8. Cashless Payments: With Freecharge, you can book movie tickets, order from restaurants, book train, flight tickets, do hotel bookings and shop your heart out. Pay cashless at more than 1 lack of your favorite websites and stores.

Free Charge App Some Important Features

1. QR Code FeatureWith this feature on Freecharge, you have the convenience of just scanning a QR code instead of adding a phone number for the transaction.

2. Deals: Deals on Freecharge allows you to buy amazing discount coupons from your favorite brands starting at just ₹1.

3. Cash backs and DiscountsGet amazing discounts and cash backs when you transact using Freecharge.

4. Transaction history & Centro assistenza: Access all your recent transactions in the ‘Transactions’ section on the Freecharge app. Anche, to raise queries regarding any particular transaction, you can use the Help Center feature.

How to download and install the Free Charge APK application on Android

Here is the download link of the Free Charge Android APK application.

Una volta, you get to download the Free Charge application, puoi installarlo. Ma, segui questi passaggi illustrati di seguito prima di installare l'applicazione.

  • In primo luogo, click on the download link highlighted above and download the latest Free Charge APK application.
  • Adesso, go to your device’s download tab and go to the Free Charge APK file which is downloaded.
  • Prima di installare questo file, assicurati che il tuo dispositivo supporti i download da fonti di app sconosciute.
  • Altrimenti, puoi apportare modifiche andando su Impostazioni>>Impostazioni dell'app>>Fonti sconosciute.
  • Adesso, puoi installare il file e aprirlo.
  • Se sei un membro abbonato, you can log in using your account details and get full access to your favorite content on Free Charge APK application.

How to download and install Free Charge APK on PC

The steps to download Free Charge APK are the same as mentioned above. Ma l'unico cambiamento da fare è che hai bisogno dell'aiuto di un emulatore chiamato come emulatore di pile blu.

L'emulatore Blue Stacks è un software che ti fornisce l'interfaccia del telefono e ti consente di usarlo come un telefono stesso. Quindi puoi semplicemente scaricarlo e quindi procedere alla sua installazione.

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