Scarica Galaxy Sensor 1.7.2 APK per il tuo cellulare Android, Tablet O qualsiasi dispositivo Android da con collegamento diretto.
** Developed for the Samsung Galaxy S4 and Samsung Galaxy Note 3, full compatibility is not guaranteed on other models **
** models like Galaxy S3-S5 or Galaxy Note2-Note4 are missing temperature and humidity sensor, not my fault, spiacente, the device manufacturer has decided to remove these sensors **
** if a sensor is set as “NOT PRESENT” is because your phone doesn’t have it **
– Ambient temperature in degrees celsius
– Percentage of moisture in the air
– Light intensity
– Air pressure
– Height above sea level
– widget with ambient temperature! more coming soon
Sensori galattici 1.7.2 Informazioni sul file APK:
Nome del file: it.ale32thebest.galaxysensors.apk
Versione: 1.7.2
Caricato: sett 12, 2016 a 14:17 PM GMT+00
Dimensione del file: 3.9M
Versione Android minima: 4.0 e su
Svilupparer: Alessandro Digilio
Scarica Galaxy Sensor 1.7.2 APK :
- Scarica Galaxy Sensor 1.7.2 APK – 3.9M
- Installa da Google Play
Older Version of Galaxy Sensors 1.7.2 APK disponibile:
- Sensori galattici 1.7.2 APK ULTIMA VERSIONE caricato: settembre 12, 2016