Inbox di Gmail APK v1.78.217178463 Scarica 2024 Ultima versione

Download Inbox by Gmail APK Download Latest version for free here for your android phone or tablet

La tua casella di posta elettronica dovrebbe aiutarti a vivere e lavorare meglio, ma invece spesso seppellisce le cose importanti e crea più stress di quanto ne allevia. Posta in arrivo, creato dal team di Gmail, mantiene le cose organizzate e ti aiuta a tornare a ciò che conta.

Informazioni su questa app

Inbox by Gmail apk content rating is Everyone and can be downloaded and installed on android devices supporting 16 api and above.

“La tua casella di posta elettronica dovrebbe aiutarti a vivere e lavorare meglio, ma invece spesso seppellisce le cose importanti e crea più stress di quanto ne allevia. Posta in arrivo, creato dal team di Gmail, mantiene le cose organizzate e ti aiuta a tornare a ciò che conta.

Funzionalità dell'app…

• HIGHLIGHTSGet the most important information without even opening the message. Check-in for flights, see shipping information for purchases, and view photos from friends right up front.
• BUNDLESSimilar messages are bundled together so you can deal with them all at once. And get rid of them with one swipe.
• REMINDERSMore than mail, you can add Reminders so your inbox contains all the things you need to get back to.
• SNOOZESnooze emails and Reminders to come back when you are ready to deal with them: next week, when you get home, or whenever you choose.
• SEARCHInbox helps you find exactly what you’re looking for— from your upcoming flight to a friend’s address— without having to dig through messages.
• WORKS WITH GMAILInbox is built by the Gmail team, so all your messages from Gmail are here, along with the reliability and spam protection of Gmail. All of your messages are still in Gmail and always will be.

Apk Permissions

  • access approximate location
  • access precise location
  • access information about networks
  • list of accounts in the Accounts Service
  • find out the space used by any package
  • open network sockets
  • read the user’s contacts data
  • read the sync settings
  • access to the vibrator
  • prevent processor from sleeping or screen from dimming
  • write to external storage
  • write the sync settings
  • install a shortcut in Launcher

What’s new in this version of Injustice?

  • ‘Ra’s Al Ghul’s Scimitar’ power bar issue
  • Batgirl’s Passive starting power bar issue
  • Merciless Special 2 ‘Decimate’ damage percentage issue
  • Crash after winning Phantom Zone battles
  • Collect evil versions of Batman from the standalone DC Comics, The Batman Who Laughs and The Merciless!
  • Earn Nth Metal and Valorium alloy in The Phantom Zone! Limited time only event.
  • Correzioni di bug e miglioramenti delle prestazioni!

• Bug fixes and performance improvements


  • I love how Inbox works, it’s very intuitive and helps me keep all emails organized (can’t go without unbundled folders!). I’d love it if it could get some features from the new Gmail like access to Google Keep or vice versa. A few issues: sometimes it doesn’t download messages as they come and w
  • Oh… This email app is the next best thing. When you’ve read it, you ✔️check it, done and gone*. Which makes you end up with a very clean and empty inbox. Very satisfying! And other stuff that stands out: – auto groupingeasy tracking of ordered stuffpinning an emailsnooze an email *Mo

Inbox Apk file information

App Download Version1.78.217178463.pubblicazione
Ultimo aggiornamentoottobre 18, 2018
Dimensione Apk17M
App byGoogle LLC
CategoriaFree Productivity App
Classificazione dei contenutiTutti
Supporta la versione AndroidAndroide 16 e al di sopra

Download Inbox by Gmail APK

OLD VERSIONS of Inbox by Gmail APK

Nome del pacchetto:
Versione: 1.75.204395571.pubblicazione (8993261)
Dimensione del file: 17 MB
Aggiornato: Luglio 21, 2018
Versione Android minima: Androide 4.1 (Jelly Bean, API 16)

  • Download Inbox by Gmail 1.75 APK
  • Scarica Posta in arrivo (da Gmail) 1.26 (125722543) APK :

    Nome del file:
    Versione: 1.26 (125722543) (6177147)
    Caricato qui: Giugno 28, 2016 a 5:58AM GMT+00 AM
    Dimensione del file: 18.72MB (19,632,284 byte)
    Necessaria versione Android: Androide 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API 16)

    DOWNLOAD INBOX 1.25 (124411286) APK:

    Nome del file:
    Versione: 1.25 (124411286) (6111978)
    Caricato qui: sett 14, 2016 a 10:51PM GMT+00
    Dimensione del file: 18.74MB (19,649,989 byte)
    Necessaria versione Android: Androide 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API 16)

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