Download Ultimate HDR Camera 2.5 APK per il tuo cellulare Android, Tablet O qualsiasi dispositivo Android da con collegamento diretto.
A lot of details and other beautiful meanings are hidden in most captured photos when using default camera setting.
This application introduces a new HDR utility that passes on main HDR controls needed to have incredible results.
Internal HDR engine is designed to get the benefit of hardware acceleration capability in user’s device; this is why “Ultimate HDR Camera” is the fastest in the market.
The application gives you all needed controls to calibrate and optimize your photos.
Camera HDR finale 2.5 Informazioni sul file APK:
Nome del file: btfactor.realhdrcamera.apk
Versione: 2.5
Caricato: sett 12, 2016 a 13:54 PM GMT+00
Dimensione del file: 2.7M
Versione Android minima: 4.0.3 e su
Svilupparer: BTFactor
Download Ultimate HDR Camera 2.5 APK :
- Download Ultimate HDR Camera 2.5 APK – 2.7M
- Installa da Google Play
Older Version of Ultimate HDR Camera 2.5 APK disponibile:
- Camera HDR finale 2.5 APK ULTIMA VERSIONE caricato: settembre 12, 2016