Prova questo gioco di ruolo in cui devi sopravvivere combattendo contro gli zombi che si diffondono in tutta la città.
Maggiori informazioni su Walking Dead: Strada per la sopravvivenza
Scoperiamente, i creatori della serie di fumetti Walking Dead, brought this conclusively RPG game in which you have to survive by quarreling against the zombies that spread throughout the city. To attack your opponents from their weak points, you have to build up your survivors and make strategies to decide your path. Shape your town to keep zombies at the boundary but be a deterrent. Your decisions will be responsible for life or death.
Walking Dead is a great game with awesome graphics. The dark aesthetic of this game mirrors the determined decisions you will need to make as you strategize for survival and also provides options to select different time zones to fight against threats. With established teams, you will create a safe zone, protect the region and create a livable city. You can customize your city by changing graphics, a workshop for craft things, change weapons to enhance battle strength.
Morti che camminano: RTS Latest Version for Android
The Walking Dead Road to Survival is the definitive Walking Dead strategy RPG game, offerto da Robert Kirkman, Creatore della serie Comic di The Walking Dead.
Costruisci la tua squadra di sopravvissuti e sviluppa strategie di battaglia per guidarli in battaglia in una storia senza compromessi, irto di pericolo. Combatti per la sopravvivenza contro i camminatori e gli umani allo stesso modo, Utilizzo della strategia per attaccare punti deboli nemici e una profonda progressione del gioco di ruolo per decidere il tuo percorso. Costruisci una città per tenere a bada i camminatori, Ma sii avvisato: gli orrori che si nascondono fuori non sono l'unica minaccia, E le tue decisioni sono tutto ciò che si erge tra la vita e la morte.
Basato su una nuova storia del pluripremiato scrittore di Walking Dead Jay Bonansinga, L'estetica oscura di questo gioco riflette le decisioni intransigenti che dovrai prendere mentre strategie per la sopravvivenza.
Stand con Michonne, Rick e altri sopravvissuti da The Walking Dead, e unisciti all'epica battaglia contro i nemici più oscuri del governatore a Negan.
Fight Walkers & Survivors
• Battle against fierce opponents and use your best strategy to survive
• Headshot! Land critical hits and deal crippling blows to your enemies
• Charge opponents with special melee and ranged attacks using deadly weapons like Michonne’s katana
Raccogliere & Recruit Survivors
• Collect new Survivors from The Walking Dead universe, each with their own specialized battle strategy
Upgrade Your Survivors
• Level up and customize Survivors to enhance their fighting strategies, weapons and skills
• RPG progression makes your Survivors stronger as they cut down more walkers
Strategy Gameplay – Capitalize on Strengths & Exploit Weaknesses
• Battle strategy is key to scoring powerful hits – but watch out for retaliating strikes
• Your battle strategy is all that’s keeping the Survivors of Woodbury safe – Strategize and strike to win
Mappe & Locations From The Walking Dead
• Explore a new 3D map featuring real locations from The Walking Dead comics
Build your Community Base & Expand into the Wasteland
• Build houses to hold Survivors, a Town Hall to expand your city, a Workshop to craft items, e altro ancora
PvP – Raid Enemies
• Use your battle strategy to raid enemy factions for resources in the All Out War online mode
• Strategic Multiplayer battles in a wide-open world filled with potential enemies and vicious walkers.
Alliance Factions & Online Strategy
• Multiplayer alliances and battle strategies keep you safe. Join allies in a faction to create a battle strategy and pool resources in the harsh world of The Walking Dead
• Battle and build together with friends in multiplayer role-playing strategy gameplay
Battle in Iconic The Walking Dead Locations
• Fight alongside your faction for control of areas from The Walking Dead
• Battle to conquer and defend locations like Alexandria, Woodbury, Sanctuary, e altro ancora
Make Strategized Decisions to Change the Story
• Decisions impact the story mode and make each game campaign unique
• Write your own Survivor story in this dynamic and compelling Walking Dead RPG
Live In-Game Events
• Play to obtain valuable resources and new, exclusive Survivors.
Walkers tear at your city walls, while desperate Survivors rip apart the town’s foundations from the inside. When the time comes to fight, what will you choose?
Introducing all new features to The Walking Dead Road to Survival!
“Territories” – Unite with your Faction to take control and earn valuable rewards from the most valuable territories from The Walking Dead Universe.
“Cross Region War” – For the first time, your Faction will be able to compete in PvP “All Out War” against Factions from other Regions in the game.
Walking Dead File Information
- Nome del pacchetto: com.scopely.headshot
- Versione: (500100398)
- Dimensione del file: 31.2 MB
- Aggiornato: Giugno 22, 2022
- Versione Android minima: Androide 4.4 (Kit Kat, API 19)
- Schermo DPI: nodpi
- Architettura: armeabi-v7a
Scarica Walking Dead: Road to Survival APK:
- Download Walking Dead v35.0.4 APK>> Dimensione del file: 31MB
- Vai a camminare da Google Play
Older Walking Dead: APK STRADA TO SUPPORTVAL Disponibile:
Scarica Walking Dead: Road to Survival v6.0.2.49198 (249198410) APK>> Dimensione del file: 24.54MB
- WhatsWeb per Whatscan APK DOWNLOAD 2025 ULTIMA VERSIONE caricato: Luglio 10, 2017
- Morti che camminano: Road to Survival v32.0.2.98424 APK caricato: Marzo 13, 2017
- Morti che camminano: Road to Survival v33.0.4.99198 APK caricato: Dicembre 20, 2016
- Morti che camminano: Strada per la sopravvivenza APK caricato: settembre 6, 2016