Local US or Canada Phone number
Give your friends your very own phone number they can call!
Unlimited Text & Picture Messaging
You can send as many text messages as you want to US & カナダ – 自由!
Unlimited Calling to USA and Canada
Make unlimited free phone calls to any phone number in the US & カナダ!
Cheap International Calling
Add money or earn free money by completing offers to your account and make low-cost international calls
– Make and receive voice calls
– 絵文字, stickers and gifs
– Full picture messaging : 送信, receive and save pictures!
– Voicemail Transcription: transcript of your voicemail
– Caller ID
– PassCode: keep your messages under lock and key
– Google SmartLock: no need to remember your password
– Call Forwarding
– Signatures: add your own signature to each text
– Customizable text-tone, ringtone & 振動
– Customizable backgrounds
– Assign individual contacts their own ringtone & background
– Quick Reply to easily (and quickly) respond to friends
– Home screen widget to launch TextNow, compose a new message or quickly make a call
– Unified inbox: send and receive your texts directly via TextNow – use TextNow as your one-stop SMS texting app!
– TextNow.com – text from your computer too! All messages seamlessly synchronize with your mobile device.
Is it really free?
There is no catch. No yearly or monthly fees! It is completely free!
How can all this be free?
The app comes with a few ads. If you don’t like ads, you can purchase a subscription to remove them.
People who love TextNow
“If you want an unlimited texting without the high priced carrier based texting plans, then Textnow is the app for you.” 4/5 評価 –AppAdvice
“Anyone needing an unlimited number of texts, we’d recommend TextNow as our app of choice” –AppAddict
– Fixed a bug for devices running Android Nougat and above that prevented GIFs from playing in fullscreen on those devices
– Fixed a bug where TextNow would occasionally crash if an outgoing call gets a “Call Rejected” メッセージ
– Fixed a bug that allowed users to have the keyboard panel and the attachment panel both open simultaneously, completely blocking the message screen
– Various performance improvements
- I STILL don’t have the ring tone working, I have sent emails to developer with no resolution, when I get a call, that ring tone works, but not text. I have tried everything, my husband has tried everything, and yet we can’t figure out why the text ring tone won’t work. How does it all of a sudden stop working? It’s been a couple of months now, what’s the deal????
- The app is very laggy for my sg4 but gets the job done. でも, through random gifs and stickers, I have noticed political views and I don’t need that in a text app. I suggest that TextNow removes these as it only aggravates political stances. 今日, we are forced to deal with politics in almost everything, and it’s getting more than ridiculous. I see this Trump-Hillary, Trump-Obama stuff everywhere. The country has touchy issues and this is just pressing on the mind of the users. I will share this with everyone I know until the issue is resolved. If it’s not, then TextNow can lose the majority of it’s users. Trump was voted in, so those who think that the majority is for Democrats, is sadly mistaken.
- App is inundated with ads and it is so HYPERBLOATED it slows my Tablet to a crawl, sometimes FREEZING it completely. It takes me 5 minutes just to make a phone call or send a text. One of the worst apps I have EVER had. Can’t wait to fix my actual phone so I can stop using this piece of Garbage that makes me want to bust my tablet into a million pieces. Not to mention the fact that if I call someone I get cut off after 5 minutes EVERY TIME!! But if they call me back it’s totally fine. What gives trying to FORCE premium on people?
TextNow file information
パッケージ名: com.enflick.android.TextNow
バージョン: 5.66.0 (11912)
ファイルサイズ: 36.5 MB
更新しました: 8月 15, 2018
Android の最小バージョン: アンドロイド 4.0 (アイスクリームサンド, API 14)
DOWNLOAD TextNow 5.66.0 (11912) APK – 36.5 MB
- DOWNLOAD TextNow 5.66.0 (11912) APK – 36.5 MB
TextNow – フリーテキスト + 通話 5.65.0
パッケージ名: com.enflick.android.TextNow
バージョン: 5.65.0 (11904)
ファイルサイズ: 36.5 MB
アップロード済み: 8月 4, 2018
Android の最小バージョン: アンドロイド 4.0 (アイスクリームサンド, API 14)
TextNow – フリーテキスト + 通話 5.64.0
パッケージ名: com.enflick.android.TextNow
バージョン: 5.64.0 (11892)
ファイルサイズ: 36.4 MB
アップロード済み: 7月 27, 2018
Android の最小バージョン: アンドロイド 4.0 (アイスクリームサンド, API 14)
TextNow – フリーテキスト + 通話 5.63.0
パッケージ名: com.enflick.android.TextNow
バージョン: 5.63.0 (11884)
ファイルサイズ: 36.3 MB
アップロード済み: 7月 13, 2018
Android の最小バージョン: アンドロイド 4.0 (アイスクリームサンド, API 14)