Windfinderweather & wind forecast APK

風, waves, weather and tides anywhere in the world for kitesurfers, windsurfers, surfers, sailors, and paragliders

Detailed wind forecasts and weather forecasts that let you always find the spot with the best wind, waves, and weather conditions for your sport. It also displays the current wind measurements and weather observations, so that you can make your own weather predictions!


• Detailed wind forecasts and weather forecasts for over 40,000 斑点
• Displays current wind measurements and weather measurements in real-time from over 20,000 weather stations
• Tide forecasts for high and low tides for over 8,000 locations around the world
• Configure favorites – save nearby locations and monitor travel weather for your vacation destinations
• Measurements listed in knots, Beaufort, km/h, m/s, and mph
• Parameters displayed: Wind strength & direction, gusts, air temperature andfeels like” 温度, 雲, precipitation, air pressure, relative humidity, wave height, wave period, and wave direction
• Optimized display of forecasts and measurements for optimal readability on the go from any mobile device
• Optimized data transfer – which enables a quicker load speed and is ideal for data usage restrictions
• Topographic maps and satellite imaging provide a quick overview of weather conditions and serve as a navigational aid (weather routing)


• Kitesurfers and windsurfers – find that next hurricane or windy conditions either right next door or at your next vacation destination
• Sailors – plan that next sailing trip, or ensure safe passage by avoiding bad weather at sea
• Dinghy sailors and regatta racers – allows for careful preparation for the next regatta
• Surfers and wave riders – find the perfect waves and high swell
• Fishermen – help ensure a good catch
• Paragliders – find a good wind right from the start
• Cyclists – are there headwinds or tailwinds?
• Boat owners or captains – keep a constant eye on the current weather conditions and tides
• …and anyone who requires exact wind and weather predictions!


“Windfinder” is available for free with ads. “Windfinder Pro” is paid and contains the following features for professional users, meteorologists, and weather enthusiasts:

• Superforecast, our hourly high-resolution forecasting model for Europe, North America, 南アフリカ, Egypt, and the Canary Islands
• Weather widgets available for your home screen: the current conditions and the 10-day forecast (Windpreview) are always in sight
• Windpreview: for a quick overview of the wind forecast in the next ten days
• Beautifully animated wind forecast maps, temperature forecast maps, precipitation maps, satellite images and topographic map
• 広告なし!

カテゴリー: 天気
オペレーティング·システム: アンドロイド
価格: 無料


Improved help
mmHg as air pressure unit


  • Very useful and fairly accurate app for wind and temp readings. We have a house by the sea in Gallipoli and wind speed and direction knowledge is essential for early warning and prep.
  • Very useful. But last update always crashes
  • Showing multiple days of every locations in favorite page would be more intelligent. Widget would be good for fast reading.
  • Seriously shld re-consider to purchase this app. Wind direction is super in accurate at least for the part where im located at. Not sure of other countries. App shows certain wind direction but in actual fact, is the other way round.

Windfinder file information

パッケージ名: com.studioeleven.windfinder
バージョン: 3.4.1 (113)
ファイルサイズ: 6.4 MB
更新しました: 8月 11, 2018
Android の最小バージョン: アンドロイド 4.1 (ゼリービーン, API 16)

Download Windfinder 3.4.1 (113) APK


Windfinderweather & wind forecast 3.4.0

パッケージ名: com.studioeleven.windfinder
バージョン: 3.4.0 (111)
ファイルサイズ: 6.4 MB
アップロード済み: 六月 27, 2018
Android の最小バージョン: アンドロイド 4.1 (ゼリービーン, API 16)

Windfinderweather & wind forecast 3.3.0

パッケージ名: com.studioeleven.windfinder
バージョン: 3.3.0 (108)
ファイルサイズ: 6.3 MB
アップロード済み: 六月 4, 2018
Android の最小バージョン: アンドロイド 4.1 (ゼリービーン, API 16)

Windfinderweather & wind forecast 3.2.0

パッケージ名: com.studioeleven.windfinder
バージョン: 3.2.0 (104)
ファイルサイズ: 6.7 MB
アップロード済み: 5月 8, 2018
Android の最小バージョン: アンドロイド 4.1 (ゼリービーン, API 16)
