Chrome ベータ APK

Android 版 Chrome ベータ版へようこそ!

• Preview the latest features: Try out the newest features. (Sometimes these may be a little rough around the edges.)
• Give early feedback: Let us know what you think and help make Chrome for Android a better browser.

You can install Chrome Beta alongside your current version of Chrome for Android.


Our latest release contains stability and performance fixes. More information can be found on the Chrome Releases blog at


  • Once again we cant just have a search bar, they have to push political propaganda and fake news at you. I’m so tired of constantly having this garbage thrown in my face. I just want a search bar no news or anything else.
  • Why did you remove features? Please put back the refresh button in the URL bar and the number of tabs I have in the squares. I should not have to open the menu to refresh.
  • Earlier it used to show the size of images i used to save. The latest update removed it. Please make it available again
  • Bring back the bottom searchbar it’s a good update it is convinient for phones with bigger screen or just put an option to bring it back and also a dark mode? , maybe if you can bring the plug-ins like adblock here just like on the browser thankss
  • Improvement with bottom navigation. These big phones makes browsing so annoying when reach the opposite side of the screen and things in top.

Chrome ベータ版 71.0.3578.31 (アーム-v7a) (アンドロイド 4.1+) ファイル情報

バージョン: 71.0.3578.31 (357803100)
ファイルサイズ: 44.65 MB (46,823,546 バイト)
分: アンドロイド 4.1 (ゼリービーン, API 16)
Supports Cardboard, Supports Daydream
アップロード済み: 11月 1, 2018

DOWNLOAD Chrome Beta 71.0.3578.31 (アーム-v7a) (アンドロイド 4.1+) ファイルAPK


Chrome ベータ版 71.0.3578.20 (アーム-v7a) (アンドロイド 4.1+)

バージョン: 71.0.3578.20 (357802000)
ファイルサイズ: 44.62 MB (46,789,168 バイト)
分: アンドロイド 4.1 (ゼリービーン, API 16)

アップロード済み: 10月 26, 2018 で 4:56午後

Chrome ベータ版 70.0.3538.57 (アーム-v7a) (アンドロイド 4.1+)
